Welcome Message
By: Laila Ali
Quinta decima Eodem modo typi qui nunc nobis
Bism Allah Al Rahman Al Raheem, Ya Ali!
Allahuma Sully Al Muhammad Wa Ale Muhammad Wa’l Ai’ma Wa’l Mahdyeen Wa
Salam Tasleeman Katheera.
Dear Readers,
Asalaam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu,
Welcome to the third edition of The Mahdi Times.
I pray that your first Ramadan and Eid as Ansar Allah brought you many blessings
and may the next one be with our Imam a.s, Inshallah, Mola Ali Waaris.
Alhamdulillah, one of the biggest blessings of this month was the withdrawal of
the Nasibi's from the Safa debate. On the 24th Night of Ramadan, and 24 being a
significant number as there are 12 Imams and 12 Mahdis, Nasibi Wasaby withdrew
from debating with Abu Dhar Showky and left things open with a challenge,
saying how they want to debate the Imam a.s himself. Subhanallah! After over
three weeks of Showky completely
annihilating them in debates, they finally saw
the light and stepped back. We also learnt
that the Nasibi's were keeping track of the
blogs by the Egyptian Ansari in the
Democracy Experiment, maybe this was a
reason why they did not go further than just
debating? As last year they did not hesitate to
have the Ansaris arrested. Allahu Aalam.
Through the Mercy of Allah swt those that
were disrespectful about our Imam a.s and
wanted to "expose" this Call, ended up being
exposed themselves. Looking back, we can safely say that the message has been
reached to millions in Egypt through the broadcasting of the debates and
Showky maintained the honor and standard of the Ansari's of Ahmed al Hassan
The end of Ramadan came with the release of Iblis and the 60 Shaiteen that have been stalking us since we came onto this
path. Indeed this rippled throughout the Ansari community and within moments all of the Ansari's were affected or made
aware of this transition. Almost like a bad smell, the presence was unmistakable. Messages were being passed between
Ansaris wondering if they noticed the current climate, and they were returned with similar affirmations. One thing I have
learnt these past two weeks, is to never take your eyes off the ball. Iblis has been working even harder after Ramadan and
it is almost as if the time he was locked away, he was strategizing and planning his attack. After his release, he caught the
Ansari's off guard and hid behind their Ego, Wishes and Desires to Confuse, lead astray or fill with doubt. For surely, Iblis
uses the door of our desires to attack us.
The proof of the importance of this path, is in how hard Iblis works against it. He never takes a day off, so why should we?
The second we stop, or take our eyes off the ball, that's it. The door is open. And he uses our distractions against us.