The Mahdi Times September 2011 | Page 15

called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.” This great nation is none other than the descendants of Ishmael (pbuh) who worked tirelessly everyday of their lives to preserve the religion of their righteous forefather Abraham (pbuh), all the way down to the prophesized Messenger Muhammad (pbuhaf) and his successors (pbut) mentioned in his will. And lastly a passage from the ‘Gospel of Barnabas’, although this is not canonical that does not necessarily mean it does not have much, if any truth in its authenticity and content.  From Chapter 97: 9-10: Jesus answered: "The name of the Messiah is admirable, for God himself gave him the name when he had created his soul, and placed it in a celestial splendour. God said: 'Wait Mohammed; for thy sake I will to create paradise, the world, and a great multitude of creatures, whereof I make thee a present, insomuch that whoso bless thee shall be blessed, and whoso shall curse thee shall be accursed. When I shall send thee into the world I shall send thee as my messenger of salvation, and thy word shall be true, insomuch that heaven and earth shall fail, but thy faith shall never fail.' Mohammed is his blessed name." Then the crowd lifted up their voices, saying: "O God, send us thy messenger: O Admirable One, come quickly for the salvation of the world!" Wilayat In Islam After The Holy Prophet (saw) By: M-Ali All praise is due to Allah (swt). There is no god but He (swt), the Living, the Just, the Manifest. He (swt) is the Administrator without any minister and without consultation with any of his slaves. He (swt) is the First, who cannot be described. He (swt) is Eternal and will live forever, (even) after the annihilation of all creatures. He (swt) is the greatest Cherisher and Sustainer and the Light of the earths and heavens and their Creator and Maker out of nothing. O Messenger! Make known that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord, for if thou do it not, thou wilt not have conveyed His message. Allah will protect thee from mankind. Lo! Allah guideth not the disbelieving folk. 5 Al-Maeda : 67   Oh Allah (swt), send my sincere salutations and greetings to Muhammed (s), his AhlulBayt (as), the Imams (as), and the Mahdi’s (as), and please allow us to be devout Muslims InshAllah. This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as religion Al-Islam. Whoso is forced by hunger, not by will, to sin: (for him) lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 5 Al-Maeda : 3 Lo! those who swear allegiance unto thee, swear allegiance only unto Allah. The Hand of Allah is above their hands. So whosoever breaketh his oath, breaketh it only to his soul's hurt; while whosoever keepeth his covenant with Allah, on him will He bestow immense reward. 48 Al-Fath: 10 The question of Wilayat or leadership of the Ummah after the Holy Prophet (S), both in spiritual and in temporal affairs, is the fundamental point of division between Shias and Sunnis. Both agree on the indispensable need for a Wali, but differ in the ways of his selection or appointment. Did the Prophet (S) leave the Muslims without appointing anyone as his successor? Do Muslims have the right to elect their own