The Messenger Muhammad (SAW) in Multiple Scriptures
By: HussainTheShortcomer
From Dawood bin Katheer, he said: ''I said to Abi Abdullah (a.s): Are you the prayers (Salat) in the
Book of Allah (swt)? Are you the Almsgiving (Zakat)? Are you the pilgrimage (Haj)? He said: “O
dawood! We are the Almsgiving, we are the fasting, we are the pilgrimage, we are the forbidden
months, we are the forbidden city (Mecca), we are the Kiblah of Allah and His face, Allah The AlMighty said: {and whithersoever ye turn, there is Allah's face} The Holy Qur’an (2:115). Bihar AlAnwar, Vol. 24, page 303.
{Verily! We have seen the turning of your (Muhammad's (pbuhaf)) face towards the heaven. Surely, We shall turn you to a Kiblah
that shall please you, so turn your face in the direction of Masjid-al-Haram (at Mecca). And wheresoever you people are, turn your
faces in that direction.} Holy Quran, Surah Al-Baqara (2: 144).
Over time, humans become oppressors and unjust, and evil becomes widespread. God AlMighty then sends down a Messenger to the people as a
warner and a teacher to them. They also act as a reminder of the previous Messengers and bringers of glad tidings for prophecies of more
Messengers to come in the future. It is imperative that one should follow all of them, from the first to the last, as they all have one mission and are
all on one side, God’s side.
{Say: We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac,
and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the Prophets received from their Lord. We
make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered.} Holy Quran, Surah Al-Baqara (2: 136).
In this article I will relate some of the glad tidings prophesizing the coming of the Messenger Muhammad (pbuhaf) found inside the Scriptures of
Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity.
In the book “Muqaddama Anwarul-Qur'an” by Maulana Seyyed Rahat Husain Gopalpuri (page 40-43), the author translates a book of the
Hindu religion called “Barm Uttar Khand”. According to this book the famous Hindu Avatar, Mahadew, told his wife, Parvati, all the events of
the future, while they were on the mountain, Kailash Parbat and Bishist Muni, his disciples, wrote it down. Here are parts of the extract:
“…He will have no fear of the creatures; he will be very brave and having the knowledge of Allah, and his name will be
“…O Parvati, after him the Almighty Who has none like Him, will give a daughter (1) to MAHAMAT who will be better than 1000
sons, and she will be very beautiful and matchless, and very perfect in the worship of God. Never shall she utter any wrong, and
she will be protected from every sin big or small: and through her father she will reach nearer to God, that Almighty (God) will give
two sons (2) to the daughter of MAHAMAT, both will be handsome and beloved of God, strong, having the knowledge of God,
courageous, brave and matchless in the deeds of virtue. And the Almighty will not create, after them, any human being having such
perfection in hidden and known virtues.”
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