done for us favors we may not be
aware of?
(Al-Kafi Vol. 1 page 20, “The book love of the Imam (a.s) has made us
of Mind and Ignorance,” narration love one another. And we know our
Imam (a.s) loves us, which is praise
From the book Al-Kafi,
beyond our worth and our good
concerning the Soldiers of the
The twenty fifth Soldier of
deeds are few and bad deeds are
Light is forgiveness. So forgiveness many. Disliking his servants for any
is a soldier without which the Mind reason is impudence. A true believ“So all these characteristics from
cannot elevate. Forgiveness fights
er in Allah (swt) fixes the issues, or
the soldiers of the Mind do not all
the darkness of the ego. And who
simply leaves them and forgives
gather except within a Prophet (a.s) does Allah (swt) want us to forgive,
entirely. May Allah (swt) Make us
or a Prophet's vicegerent (pbut), or in this dunya, in these tests? The
firm in this and prepare us for forma believer whose heart was tested
oppresors, or the nasibis, the eneing the society of the Divine Just
by Allah (swt) for faith. As for our
mies of the Imam (a.s)?
supporters, one of them would not
be free from having some of these
Or the believers?
“I will place compass [ۈ[