It is enough for the believers
that we are the servants of Allah
(swt) for our pride, as honour of
fame and money in this dunya is
not the goal of the true believers,
and the destination is the same - we
have all chosen the path that is leading us to a common point.
The question of staying
united on this path and achieving
success till the end in meeting the
Face of Allah (swt) lies in many
factors. This is the heaviest bargain
that can be made - the promise of
reaching Allah (swt) by His Grace.
This is the merchandise for which
the believers sacrifice their strength,
their efforts and desires. And yet,
this bargain must be reached in a
specific and prescribed way, without which there is no success, and
one of the key factors of reaching
our desired Goal is realising who
we are to one another.
Who are the believers to one
This is a difficult and heavy
matter. The rights of the believers
have not been belittled, rather they
are a factor upon which the success
towards Allah (swt) lies upon.
Yet most of the believers are
fallible human beings.
We sin and we make mistakes.
And these mistakes can affect the society we live in and the
families we grow amongst. And so,
injustices are done to the point
where we make judgements on each
other and put on labels, believing
and harbouring ill feeling in the
hearts and thinking and sometimes
even speaking badly of one another.
Does this affect our status
with Allah (swt)? The Imams (a.s)
have clarified for us that it does.
Imam Ali ibn abi Talib (a.s)
said, “Leave the matter of your
brother at its best until there comes
to you that which you cannot deny
and do not think about your brother
one bad word, while you can still
find a good excuse for him.”
rupt and bring them closer to one
another if they go far.”
Light cannot fight light. If
two rays of light have the same nature and the same focal point, then
ultimately they meet and become
one. This cannot occur if their naWhy have we been asked to ture differs, and dislike and hatred
do this?
cause the light rays to differ. It is
thus impossible for two true believThe degree of sincerity reers to reach the same focal point
quires that we accept this truth from and not forgive each other the misAllah (swt) that in Reality nothing takes and errors that are made.
exists but He, and so our own egos
do not exist. In fact, the darkness
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said, “If
that is our existence is nothingness there are two of our Shia fighting,
and so,
fix between them to the point that
you are giving to them from our
“All that is will perish; but will
khums in order to fix them.”
abide forever the Face of thy Lord,
full of majesty, bounty and honSo what is to be done if a
our.” (55:26, 27)
believer causes injustice? The injustice may well be there, and may be
The darkness, we, our egos a true injustice in the eyes of Allah
will perish.
(swt), but we ourselves, as the
worthless and guilty servants of AlAnd all goodness that comes
lah (swt), if we truly believe in Alfrom us is a Mercy from Allah
lah (swt) with sincerity and in His
(swt) to our darkness, it is a Mercikindness and love, we must train
ful Light given to us by Him.
ourselves to realise that Allah (swt)
is the One who does justice, even in
So in reality, the believers
His Punishment.
are all one Light. What we do to
one, affects the other, and ourHe is the One who Punishes
and Rewards, and not we. We must
And so, there is never a real open our eyes to the Reality that we
excuse to harbour ill feeling or dis- are nothing and nobody to harbor ill
like towards a believing brother or feeling towards any believer, and in
forgiving each other will we see
sister. We are all, in reality, one
light and one body. Dislike and ha- Allah (swt) Forgiving us our great
sins. And not only this, but truly,
tred are planted by the accursed
the believers owe one another so
Shaitan (l.a), who seeks to cause
problems between us, and this is the much that can never be repaid and
this is a fact from each and every
Jihad for the true believers, to be
believer to the other, whether the
patient, and give excuse after excuse for our believing brothers and debts are known or not. And Allah
sisters, and to fix any ill feelings the (swt) is the All Knowing who is
Aware of what we owe one another,
accursed Shaitan (l.a) causes beso how can we face Allah (swt) on
tween ourselves.
the Day of Judgement holding
Aba Abdullah (a.s) said,
guilty dislike of who may well be
“Fix between the people if they cor- His beloved servant, one who has