The Mahdi Times October 2012 | Page 49

is authentic on the conditions of the two Skeikh (Al-Bukhari and Muslim). Listen more I'm not finished the rest will kill your stance on this woman not hating Ali (as). It goes on to say He(Ahmad) said, "Abdul Razzaq said quoting Ma'mar that Al-zahuri who said the same (exactly the same). One more for you know the book of Imam Abdul Razzaq al-sana'ani who passed away in 211 AH and he was the teacher of Ahmad ibn Hanbal in Volume 5 page 529. Abdul Razzaq qouting Az-Zuhri said, "The prophet got ill in the house of Maynuna to the end of the hadith.................. until he reach the statement, I told this story. So he asked me. Do you know who that other man was that Aisha did not mention. He was Ali ibn Abi Talib so here it agrees with the last three book I mentioned but it goes on to say, “But Aisha does not like to mention him." so here it is agreement with Musnnad Ahmad. However, this is in addition to the story it says "But Aisha does not like to mention him in any good". SO THIS MEANS SHE DID NOT WANT ANY GOOD TO BE ATTRIBUTED TO AIL IBN ABI TALIB. The fact is that Ali ibn Abi Talib was next to the Prophet in his difficult time, and neither the first or second or others were there this is a good deed better than any other so how could she attribute this to Ali........YA ALLAH. ing, `As regarding `Ali, I have nothing to say to defend him; but concerning `Ammar, I have heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, say that whenever `Ammar had to opt between two options, he always chose the most reasonable of them.'" Have you noticed that?! “The mother of the believers” warns about plotting against `Ammar due to the saying of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, "Whenever `Ammar had to opt between two options, he always chose the most reasonable of them," while refraining from warning against plotting to harm `Ali (as) who is the brother and successor of the Prophet, his Aaron and confidant, the most just among his nation, the foremost to believe in his message, the one whose merits are the most...! As if she is not aware of his status in the eyes of Allah, the Exalted and Mighty, or his position in the heart of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, or his status in Islam, his great efforts for its promotion, and his handsome contributions. As if she never heard anything in the Book of Allah nor in the Sunnah of His Messenger (pbuh) in his praise, so that she would place him at par with `Ammar or make him better than him (as). since his death took place the way she described, he could not have left a will. Did she think that a will is valid only at the time of death?! No, but it is the excuse of one who is fighting the irrefutable truth, whoever he or she may be, while Allah has said in His Glorious Book, addressing His revered Messenger (pbuh), "It is prescribed unto you when death approaches someone to leave something good, a wi