of this life?" He (PBUH) answered,
"Following those who are in power.
Thus, if they do so guard your religion against them." Usul Al Kafi,
vol. 1, p. 46 – Bihar Al-Anwar, vol.
2, p. 110.
As it has been made clear
that the scholars of the end days
will indeed oppose Imam Al Mahdi
(a.s), would it be logical to look
towards the scholars in pursuit of
guidance for the identity of the
Promised Yamani (a.s) who appears
And it is no secret that the
before Imam Al Mahdi (a.s)? And
scholars in Iraq issued Fatwas in
in the same time frame as Imam
favour of the people voting for
Mahdi (a.s)? So it would be incordemocratic leaders who are Ameri- rect to conjecture that the scholars
can puppets (the great Dajjals pup- in the Era of Yamani (a.s) would be
pets). Thus, verily, they have
guided while the scholars in the
interfered in the matters of life. Is
time of the era of Imam Al Mahdi
there any doubt left about which
(a.s) would be misguided, as the
age of scholars these Ahadith are
Blessed Banner of Yamani (a.s) and
pointing towards?
the Blessed Banner of Imam Mahdi
(a.s) are the same, and Imam Mahdi
Imam Ahmad Al Hasan
(a.s) appears in the lifetime of Ya(a.s): "Blinded is the eye that
mani (a.s), according to Ahadith.
doesn’t see the Truth or neglects It.
Then why is it that the message of
What is this trap they have made
Sayyid Ahmad Al Hasan (a.s) and
you fall into, Oh People? Is it logihis claim to being the Yamani (a.s)
cal that you are driven each time
is denied by many people just betowards killing a prophet or succescause many scholars do not agree
sor or a righteously working scholthat he is the Yamani (a.s)?
ar and walking by the side of the
deviant Clerics of Misguidance,
And after lengthy discusthen if they eliminate him you beat sions with many Muslims, if you
your chests and shed the tears of
ask them how they will identify the
your eyes and show remorse for
Mahdi (a.s), their answer turns out
your abominable hideous act. Then to be a claim, “When the scholars
you repeat the same thing again
tell us who Imam Mahdi (a.s) is,
time after time, and you follow the then we will know.”
deviant Clerics of Misguidance and
the same snake stings you from the
Have not the Imams (a.s)
same hole every time. Awaken Oh
before Imam Mahdi (a.s) warned
Sleepers. Awaken Oh Dead." Serthe Muslims about the scholars in
mon of Hajj.
the days of Imam Mahdi (a.s)? So if
the Muslims do not pay heed to the
Imams (a.s) before Imam Mahdi
(a.s) will they correctly identify
Imam Mahdi (a.s) himself, or his
promised Yamani (a.s)?
Do not be mistaken, the Ansar Allah do believe that a time will
come that the whole world knows
who Imam Mahdi (a.s) is, but we
are instructed by the Prophet (s.a.w)
and the Ahlul Bayt (a.s) to follow
the Yamani (a.s) and Imam Mahdi
(a.s) at the beginning immensely, or
we will go astray.
The Prophet (s.a.w) took the
hand of Al-Abbas and the hand of
Ali (a.s) and said, "There shall be a
man from the offspring of this man
(Abbas) who shall fill the earth unjustice and tyranny, and there shall
be from this man (Ali) who shall
spread the earth with justice and
tranquility, so if you see this happening, on you is to go with the
man who is a Y[Y[