[3:71] “O followers of the Book!
aged whereas the seeker of the
Why do you confound the truth with Haram being praised and glorithe falsehood and hide the truth
fied;…” Al-Kafi, vol. 8, pp. 37- 42.
while you know?”
Reported on the authority of
Verily it has become clear
the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w)
that the scholars of the end days are from his instructions to Ibn Mas’ud:
astray from the Siraat-al-Mus"…O Ibn Mas’ud, a time will come
taqeem. It is agreed by each and
every Muslim who has an ounce of when observing religion will be to
people similar to carrying firebrand
justice in his heart that any enemy
in the palm of the hand. Thus, they
of Imam Al Mahdi (a.s) is verily
astray. There is no doubt about the must be wolves; otherwise, wolves
will devour them. O Ibn Mas’ud,
fact that any scholar who opposes
Imam Mahdi (a.s) is misguided and their scholars and jurists will be
immoral and traitors, they will be
misguiding, but what many of us
the most evil of Allah’s creatures,
failed to realize earlier in this path
as will be those who follow them,
of research is that one cannot rely
resort to them, take from them, love
on the scholars to illuminate the
path towards Imam Al Mahdi (a.s). them, sit with them and discuss with
Yes, this is the bitter truth. Many of them. They are the most evil of Alus presumed that the road of justice lah’s creatures and will be sent to
Hell. 'They are deaf, dumb and
would be distinct from the road of
infidelity by some fallible scholars blind; so they will not return' 136,
who would guide the seekers to the 'On the Doomsday, We shall gather
them, prone on their faces and
Truth. This has been true in the
past, as influential, working schol- make them crawl down to the Fire,
blind, dumb, and deaf because they
ars like Sayyid Khomeini, Sayyid
belong in hell. Whenever its fire
Khoei etc (May Allah swt be
pleased with them) did do their best starts to die out, We shall boost the
blaze.', 'When ever their skins ripto guide the open-minded Shia toen, We shall substitute them with
wards the Truth and have been
other skins so they feel agony.',
greatly successful. However, nonworking scholars now sit where the 'When flung therein, they shall hear
its inhalation ripping through, and
working scholars once stood. Inthe f