The Mahdi Times October 2011 | Page 5

you. They do not provide for the Hereafter. They have to pass through a long journey over a very difficult road towards a sad destination.” Zirar says that when he stopped, there were tears in the eyes of Muawiya who said, ‘May peace of Allah be upon Abul Hasan Ali bin Abi Talib, he was undoubtedly like that. Now tell me, Zirar! How do you feel his separation?’ Zirar replied, “My sorrow and grief is like that of woman whose only child has been murdered in her lap”.  And what made you frightened?" Abu Dharr said to the Imam a.s, "O Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, I saw Salman doing such and such a thing, and I was amazed by that."  With this remark Zirar walked out of the court of Muawiya and left the city. Just as there are 10 levels, 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. Salman a.s was at level 10. Imagine that. These are the Companions which became Family! Allahu Akbar! SUBHANALLAH!! How the Imams a.s stood firm on their beliefs in the face of the Ignorant Tyrants and how they stayed away from the Dunya and kept their eyes on the Akhirat. And they were Imams a.s, closest to Allah swt, they could have had anything that they wanted, yet they rejected the Dunya over and over again.  I often wonder about Salman Muhammadi a.s, who BECAME part of the Ahlul Bayt a.s, how he raised himself to that level, Subhanallah.  He knew such alchemy and his learning's elevated his rank and status. He worked for his position and rank. Imam Ali a.s said, "I swear by Allah that if Abu Dharr knew what was in the heart of Salman, he would have killed him." Remember Abu Dharr once came to Salman a.s while he was cooking in a cooking pot; while they conversing with each other, the cooking pot overturned and its front side fell down on the ground, but not a drop of its curry or cooking fat fell down; Abu Dharr was highly amazed at seeing this; Salman picked up the cooking pot and placed it on the fire the second time, and they began conversing once again; while they were talking to each other, the pot overturned again, and nothing of the curry or cooking fat spilled.  Abu Dharr then left in the state of great astonishment, and while he was in his thoughts, he suddenly met Imam Ali a.s at the door. When Imam a.s saw Abu Dharr's state of amazement, he said to him, "O Aba Dharr, what made you leave the presence of Salman? Thereupon Amir al Muminin a.s said to him, "O Aba Dharr, If Salman were to tell you what he knows, you would have said, 'May Allah swt Have mercy on the killer of Salman'." Subhanallah! How a normal human being, can become part of the Ahlul Bayt a.s!  We must never forget that we have to work for our rank. For what use is knowing, without implementing? And surely Iblis l.a was from the non working scholars.  We must know who the Imam a.s is, and how can we know him? Well, he has given us many books. And each book is a treasure and every letter in those books testifies to his knowledge and Imamat. The latest addition to the translated material, which is now available online is "The Sealing Prophecy" by Ahmed a.s.  This book delves into exploring what is meant by a SEAL and it echoes the importance of visions among other subjects. I must say it is truly a gem from the Imam a.s, May Allah swt Grant him Success in the Lands, Inshallah, Mola Ali Waaris.  "...The one who hears about the fire, knows as much as he has heard about it, and the one who sees it, knows as much as he has seen of it. As for the one whom a part of him burns by the fire, knows it in Truth, but as much as he burnt by it. As for the one who burns by the fire completely, knows it in Truth and complete to the level where you can not distinguish him from the fire, as he becomes a part of it, {Blessed is whosoever is in the fire and whosoever is around it. And Praise be unto Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.} Quran 27:8 {As for these examples, We cite them for mankind, and none will grasp their meaning but the wise.} Quran 29:43..." The Sealing Prophecy" Ahmed al Hassan a.s