of a slave. I worship God out of my love
for Him, and the knowledge that He
alone is worthy of that devotion and
obedience which I give Him."
So, is Worship only limited to Salah?
No. Worship and Submission to Allah
swt extends Salah and it all goes back
to what are we doing for the Imam a.s
of our time? How much do we know?
How much knowledge are we
accumulating? And how much of that
knowledge are we putting into practice?
Now that we know that the Zahoor of
the Qaim a.s is near, are we really ready
to face him? Then if Allah swt Gives the
Believers this Mercy as He is Most
Merciful and His Will is Just, what are
we going to take to the Imam a.s? Are
we going to go to the Imam a.s empty
The Imam a.s does not ask for anything
of this Dunya, but our actions and work
for the Imam a.s is what will speak for
us. They will determine our rank and
where we sit at the table.
I will never forget the story that
Brother Abdullah shared...
Imam Ahmed Al Hassan a.s mentioned
in one of his books, May the best of
peace and blessings be upon him, a
story from the time of the Prophet
s.a.w. At one of the Battles, prior to it,
the Prophet s.a.w had told the Ansar
that one of the men going to battle
would die as a Disbeliever.
During the battle this man fought very
bravely and killed many enemies. The
companions came to the Prophet s.a.w
and said "Didn't you say he would die a
disbeliever, yet he is alive and fought
bravely?" The Prophet said "Yes and
pointed to the man" The companions
saw the man sticking himself with an
arrow and killing himself due to him not
being able to withstand the pain from
battle wounds.
Thus he committed suicide and died a
disbeliever and thus the Prophet was
right, In Amazement the companions
wondered about this and the Prophet
s.a.w said "Even Allah might use a
disbeliever to support his religion"
We must never ever allow ourselves to
think, that because we have found the
Imam a.s and because we love him, that
is enough. No. Never. We can be easily
replaced. To allow ourselves to think
that we are the ones mentioned in the
Hadiths as we Support the Imam a.s, is
extremely naive and foolish. And this is
where the I is content. And the I must
never ever be content, as this type of
thinking is like stagnant water and
eventually it leads to being satisfied
with ones actions. After which, there is
no progression.
This is extremely dangerous for the
believer. We must never be satisfied
with our actions, as who are we doing
these actions for? It is Allah swt Who's
Mercy and Happiness We Should Seek,
not our own.
If we set the standard for ourselves,
then what is the difference between us
and the ones at Saqifah? Didn't they
choose their own whims and desires
over the Will of Allah swt?
Do we really want to be
counted among them? Astagfarullah,
Mola Ali Waaris.