The Mahdi Times November 2011 | Page 3

to the Message of the Yamani a.s. Just like that Abdullah asked for testimonies from the Ansar's and so many people sent them in. If it were not for those testimonies, perhaps we would not have known of our brother Ahmad Allami. Allahu Aalam. Everything has a ripple effect And Allah swt Guides Those He Wills and His Will is Just. e must Seek the Nearness of our Creator and not the trinkets of the Dunya. For their shine is but temporary and their gleam is nowhere to be seen in the Hereafter.  W Certain actions and words live on, even after the person has left. So we must pray that our speech is that which pleases the Creator and our Actions are those have Him in Mind,Inshallah, Mola Ali Waaris. Not so long ago I had an interesting discussion with an Ansar about astral projection. So many of us want to be with the Imam a.s, and this brother wanted so desperately to astral project to the Imam a.s, and his eagerness to be with the Hujjah of his time is admirable.  But it seemed as though what I was saying was falling upon deaf ears and traces of obsession with astral projection began to seep through. I have found that astral projection is something that fascinates many people and if given the opportunity, we would all probably like to go wondering into the unknown.  Recently I began to draw my own conclusions to this but this Ansar was eager to have a 1,2,3 Step Guide which I do not think any of us can provide. Firstly, we must accept that we cannot push to meet the Imams a.s. They call people to them. The Imam a.s was around for many years in Basra and we had no idea. It is our sins that keep us away from him.  Secondly, even if we could astral project, we have no idea where we would end up.  Thirdly, think about it brothers and sisters, when you go to sleep and you travel, that is astral projection completely. So what happens when you go to sleep? Why can you not astral project so easily