The Mahdi Times November 2011 | Page 2

M O N T H LY N E W S L E T T E R T E R WELCOME LET Ali Laila  B y : The Straight Path A I TA N I R A J E E M AUSOBILLA MINASH ALRAHEEM BISMILLAH ALRAHMAN Allahumma Salle Ala Muhammad wa Ale Muhammad al Aima'ti wal Mehdiyeen wa Sallim Tasleeman Katheera Asalaam alaykum wa rahmatulalh wa barakatu,  All Praise is Due to Allah swt Who Makes What He Wills Possible and His Will is Just Bro th e rs a n d S i s t e r s , Welcome to the November issue of The Mahdi Times, the fifth edition. I pray that Allah swt Accepts the Efforts of all the Ansar's that have participated in this months issue and that all of the Ansar's seek the Pleasure and Satisfaction of Allah swt in Each Endeavor, Inshallah, Mola Ali Waaris. W It has been a painful few days for the Ansar's to learn about the death of our Dear Ansari Brother Ahmad Allami. Innalillahe wa Inna Ilayhi Rajaoon. May he rest in peace,Inshallah, Mola Ali Waaris. It came as such a shock for all of us, I still cannot grasp the thought that he is gone and that I will not speak to him again or get the chance to see him. He was truly a rare person, with such a sweet nature. Our condolences to the Imams a.s on the death of Ahmad Allami, the Follower and Supporter of the First Mahdi, Ahmad al Hassan a.s the son of Muhammad al Mahdi a.s. He supported the truth of this Call in a time where the supporters are few. He wept to be with you O Imams a.s, and you know where he is now. We will always remember our brother with honor and never forget his love and support for you, Inshallah, Mola Ali Waaris.  Our condolences to the family and friends of Ahmad Allami, you all knew him much better than any of us did. So we cannot even imagine what you are all going through,Mola Ali Waaris.  I will say this, that his soul touched all of us and moved us in such a way that we just knew he was a part of us and our brother.  The online page that you dedicated to him, gave everyone a glimpse of who he was. Subhanallah! How he was loved! The stories that were shared, confirmed how sweet and loving he was to those around him. I pray that Allah swt Gives you the Patience and Strength through this time and if you need anything, please just ask, Inshallah, Mola Ali Waaris.  Time is truly of the essence,Mola Ali Waaris. There are no guarantees in anything and the Will of Allah swt is Just.  Brothers and Sisters, we must seek the Pleasure of Allah swt and Our focus cannot be the Dunya for a second for we cannot take our eyes of the ball. The Dunya is like a beautiful temptress, an eye catching mirage that lures people off the straight and narrow and plunges them into the depths of darkness and desolation. May Allah swt Protect us from the Nafs and the Treachery of the Dunya, Inshallah, Mola Ali Waaris.  We must be mindful of our actions as everything that is done or said has a ripple affect. For example, I was thinking that Zolfigarr came across The Savior Room and learnt about the Imam a.s, he then passed this information on to Abdullah. Abdullah informed everyone through TADS. And this was a vessel at guiding so many people from all around the world