The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 99

The Powers of Hearth (Heart) and Soul (Soil) by Yasmine Fatemi If we ponder on nature, it is already showing us how it is able to transform in rhythms and seasons effected by the changes in the climate and earthly environments, the weeds that grow around plants of fruit have a purpose as they offer and share their own bionutrients and create a resource in the soil that connects them all, some plants strive at the soft clinging soil of a river and its roots will bring enough water up into the ground around it that it is able to quench the needs of its neighbors. All of nature works together, not as man but hand in hand always relying on one another so much so, that inside our own bodies we have billions of Microbial colonies that are co-dependent and entirely in need on one another in order to keep the soils of the self up to par. If even one of the billions of colonies were to die off, they ALL will no longer be able to function properly. If we became more attentive to the inner ecosystem of our body(s) in an alchemical way, it too would benefit holistically from the intrinsic and sophisticated intelligence that weaves the gapless fabric of nature, to lose the ‘self’ in the world of surrender and trust. We would navigate through our lives upon this earth more seamlessly with much more ease and success, following the process and manifesting the best outcomes God willing, just as the kingdom of plants and minerals. The bio-system of a plant is superior to our own, it bears the same codes and minerals and the active bio-chemistry is completely compatible with our own system, each amino acid, antioxidant, molecular structure has a key that fits in our system and allows them entry into it, it travels via the bloodstream or stomach and combines with our own cells where it interacts with our consciousness and our physical body. The cells store the information and are affected by the energy and vibration that enters it absorbs it, and reacts accordingly, if the system recognizes the active biochemical it will metabolize it and store it as a nutrient and work on converting it into an energy that is beneficial to the system. In the biochemical of a plant resides its spirit, and in our own cells reside codes and DNA. DNA can be likened to a map of the soul. What happens when the molecules (spirit) of a plant combines with our own cell and DNA (soul) is that they commune, and a deep primordial interaction takes place as an awareness is transmitted to the cell into our consciousness which energetically effects the 'whole' as all cells and everything is connected with blood and consciousness, all the biochemicals within our bodies begin to resonate with these new codes (spirit) that is bringing balance into our subtle bodies and physical body.