The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 43

In ancient times Arabia was merely an extension of Africa and there was regular travel/interaction between the inhabitants on both sides of the Red Sea who were almost exclusively dark skinned and kinky haired. The following quote highlights what was recorded in regards to some of those tribes who migrated to various regions in West Africa and the Sahara from Arabia and on a macro level became known as Fellata ‘’alfelateen: section of a branch of Arabian tribes…. Altayyib Al-laamy mentioned them in his book al-muntakhib ‫ـ الشرفاء فاللة: يرفع نسبھا الى الدوحة النبوية. اذ انتقل اجدادھم الى‬ ‫الصحراء المغربية منذ عھد