The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 42

This included a variety of Arabic dialect speaking black skinned Bedouin Tribes ( i.e. The Quraish, The Bani Abs, Banu Suleiman, Banu Asad, Juhayna, Banu Ghassan, Banu Hashim etc etc) these tribes were original Arabians who traced their lineage back and prior to era of The Prophet Abraham. At the same time you had Arabians (and there is a difference between Arab and Arabian) Hamitic/Kushitic non-Arabic speaking black skinned Tribes.... (i.e.... The Habasha, The Yoruba, The Fulani, The Zing, The Zaqhawa, The Hausa, The Berber( Somali ), Beni Amir, The Haratin, The Mandingo, The Tuareg, Nubians, Beni Amir, and The Wolof to name a few )......who had previously resided either along the Nile or on the Arabian side of the Red Sea or both. It must be said here that early Greeks and Romans did not usually distinguish ethnically between the people called Saracens and the inhabitants of Southern Arabia (Yemen) which was called India Minor or Little India in those days, nor southern Arabians from the inhabitants of the Horn of Africa. What differences there were between them were more cultural and environmental than anything else. Strabo (a Greek historian, geographer and philosopher), around the 1st century BC, Philostratus and other writers, speak of the area east of the Nile in Africa as “Arabia” and the people are persistently and indiscriminately and sometimes simultaneously referred to as either Arabs, Indians or Ethiopians, just as native Americans in Central and North America are characteristically grouped under a single term as “Indians.”