Mohamed ibn Ahmed Al-Azhari said:
"Most Arabs are Adam complexioned.
قال محمد بن أحمد األزھري )صاحب التھذيب(: "الغالب
"على ألوان العرب األدمة
Adam =very dark skinned (this was the most popular complexion amongst
the ancient Arabs)
Asmar =dark skinned
Abiyud (white) =slightly lighter than asmar but bear in mind that ‘white’ to
the ancient Arabs was what we today would call a light skinned black
Tha'alab, the Arabic language scholar of the 9th century AD said:
"The Arabs don't say that a man is abyad (white) because of a abyad (white)
complexion. Abyad (White) to the Arabs means that a person is pure,
without any faults.”
العرب ال تقول : رجل أبيض من بياض اللو f