The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 2

Welcome Message By Laila Ali May the Peace and Mercy of Allah (swt) be upon Muhammad (s.a.w), His Progeny (a.s), The Imams (a.s) and the Mahdi’s (a.s) Salam, I pray you are all well and in a Place Most Pleasing to Allah (swt), InshaAllah, Mola Ali Waaris. It has been a long time since we have had a publication of the magazine and it feels amazing to sit down and begin working on it, Alhamdolillah. Thank you all for your patience and understanding. We have had some contact issues within the magazine; I have not been able to get a hold of the upper management and have been just waiting to hear back hence why it has not been released. I appreciate all the messages that were sent in expressing frustration out of love and I even saw re-posting of various articles from the magazine on websites, which really made me realise the importance and in turn want to do something. So, after waiting for so long, I decided to take matters into my own hands and publish the magazine myself. Yes, we are all brothers and sisters, however selfreliance is in essence self-empowerment and those of you who know me well know my love and admiration for my spiritual father, Malcolm X. Therefore in keeping with his philosophy, I adopted a “Do For Self” attitude in regards to the magazine as well and decided to put it together myself. I consider this magazine itself a revolutionary action and will not look towards others to help me continue on with it. Therefore you are more than welcome to once again send in your articles and suggestions to further develop it. The magazine is not owned by any one person or HashemStudios, it is a work we place forward to the Imam of the time (a.s) anyone wanting to work on it, is more than welcome. A lot has happened since we last had a publication, a centre in Malaysia and possible centre in England, Street Dawah with the Swedish Ansar Allah, the Savior Network channel and the release of the long awaited “The Atheist Delusion” by Ahmad al Hassan (a.s). MashaAllah, it seems like there has been much development. When we look back to the time we just came across the Dawah to now, we see how far the Call has travelled and it is truly a humbling feeling to see the hand of Allah (swt) guiding this Blessed effort. We cannot deny that we are part of a massive revolution. Just looking at where we were to where we are today is a testimony of that. None of you can deny the changes in you, the evolution from where you were before finding Ahmad al Hassan (a.s) and how you are today. Hence why I call this a Revolution, take away the “R” and you see you cannot have a Revolution without an Evolution. A spiritual evolution, a mental growth, an internal expansion. The process of blossoming, a pure, clean rose pushing itself out from between cold, concrete slabs of the Dunya. One of those miracles in which you truly see the Creator and His Glory guiding His creation. Speaking of Revolution, as you can see the theme here is Malcolm X. Granted, I don’t need an excuse to bring Malcolm into anything, however 19th May 2014 marks Malcolm X Day and I had to honour this beautiful brother.