The Mahdi Times May 2012 | Page 35

T H E S T R A I G H T P A T H Who is the Caller? By: Joseph McGowen In the book of Kitab-e Sulaym ibn Qays al Hilali, one of the most important books to the Shiah, where Ja'far Al Sadiq (as) said, whoever does not read this book does not know anything of our matters..... we find a hadith where Amir al Mu'minin Ali ibn abi Talib (as) was addressing the people on the Minbar and he said: "O people, very soon I will not remain with you, I am going to be separated from you.  I will either die or be killed.  The most evil person is waiting to color my beard with the blood flowing from my head.  By Him Who opens the seed and created human being, you will not ask me about that group that has reached 300 or more than that, from today till the Day of Judgment.  But I can inform you who is the puller of that discord, and who its leader is, and who is the caller.  I will tell you when that ground will become empty and again be occupied until the Day of Judgment" Vicegerent to Imam Mahdi (as), Imam The Hadith speak clearly that the Ahmad Al Hassan (as).  matter will not come till 2/3 or nine out of every 10 people are destroyed.  Ahmad Al Hassan (as), his role is Also we know the Hadith about clearly explained in the hadiths, that Imam Mahdi (as) coming around the he (as) is the one who will appear time of the Red comet planet that calling the people to Imam Mahdi frightens the Arabs, so this is all (as), he is the promised Yamani, the matching up.  When you look into all first of the 313, the son of Imam the cosmic phenomena that is Mahdi (as), his messenger and supposed to take place, and the vicegerent.  So here you have one of natural disasters that they say can the most important books to the Shia, occur due to this, and of course the and clearly it states that there will be knowledge and time is with Allah a "Caller" to the leader of the 300 and (swt) alone, but events like this have some men, yet the Shia today deny the potential of making these Hadith Ahmad Al Hassan (as)?  As if denying very real and very true. the clear proof of Allah in creations is not enough, it's as if they deny there During and after this destruction, we is a "Caller" at all.  It seems they and know that there will be an ongoing the sunnis believe Imam Mahdi (as) is battle between truth and falsehood, just going to appear and will between the darkness and light, we immediately have millions of know that Allah (swt) is going to give followers waiting for him, they victory to Imam Mahdi (as), who will believe this is true!  They have to be supported by his four pillars; Isa believe this is true, when millions (as), Elijah (as), Al Khidr (as), and his believe they will be supporters of strong Pillar...... the promised Yamani Imam Mahdi (as), yet the Hadith Ahmad Al Hassan (as), who is his Assalamau Alaikum waRahmatullahi clearly state that those who believe "Caller" and the one who will give waBarakatu dear brothers and sisters.  they are companions of this matter the sword, and who will spread We are asking you here, and we seek will find themselves out of it and justice as the Earth was filled with refuge in Allah (swt) from the "we", those who will find themselves in it injustice.  who is this group of 300 or more that will be the likes of sun and moon InshaAllah these are the times of the Ali ibn abi Talib (as) is referring to, worshipers, and also the Hadith that Great Relief brothers and sisters and and who is their leader? talk about the 313, 10,000, and may Allah (swt) hasten it, and give 12,000..... these are very small What's even more interesting and each and every Ansar around the numbers in comparison to those who more important in this very time that world the abilities to work between believe they are waiting for Imam we live in.....who is this "Caller" who the hands of the Imam (as), that we Mahdi (as), or say they are calls to him?  may be a great support, and that we supporting Imam Mahdi (as).  may be his "Callers", just as the Looking at all we have learned and This is impossible that they will Imam (as) is an image of Allah (swt), going through the hadiths, it is clear support Imam Mahdi (as) in the state we know we can reach the ranks of with all clarity that Imam Ali ibn abi they are in today, because they do not being an image of the Imam (as) to Talib (as) is referring to the 313, led by know or support Imam Mahdi's the people. the 12th Imam, Imam Mahdi (as).  It is "Caller", who is Imam Ahmad Al also extremely clear that the caller to May Allah (swt) have mercy on each Hassan (as). How will the Earth him (as) is none other than the and every one of you, and be with become empty?  And what will promised Yamani, the Messenger and you before everything, after occupy it again until the Day of everything, and in everything. Judgment?  35