From Basher ibn Galeb "The Sufyani
will appear from the place of
Rome,Christianized, on his neck is a
Besharat AlIslam p.161
A Sufyani emerging from Sham:
From Ammar son of Yaser "and a
man from the house of Abu Sufyan
will emerge from Kalb."
v.3 p.161 Mawsoo'a
The house of Abu Sufyan, May Allah
curse him, is from Syria or Damascus.
People from Banu Kalb are from
Syria, Ali son of Hussain (a.s) said,
"The Sufyani is from the son of Utba
son of Abi Sufyani."
Bihar Al Anwar v.52 p.212
Prince of the believers (a.s) said, "If
that happened, the Sufyani will then
emerge and so he will rule by the full
time of a pregnant woman 9 months,
he will emerge to Sham and so the
people of Sham will be under his
rule..and so he will arrive at the
Medina with a lot of soldiers, until he
reaches AlBayda at the city, Allah
will make him perish by a landslide."
Mawsoo'a v.3 p.161
A Sufyani gets killed in Damascus:
Mufathel said to Imam AlSaadeq
(a.s),"And so what would the Mahdi
do O Master?" So he said (a.s), "There
will be groups of people heading
towards the Sufyani to Damascus, so
they will take him (Sufyani) and kill
him on the rock"
Al Hīra (Arabic: )ا('=+ةwas an ancient
city located south of al-Kufah in
south-central Iraq.
From Abi Jaafer (a.s), "And then he
will enter Kufa and not a believer
except that he will be inside...and so
then he will say to his companions,
go to this tyrant, and so then he
will call to the book of Allah and the
Sunna of his Prophet (s.a.w), so the
Sufyani will give Baya as a peace
treaty and so then Kalb and they are
his maternal cousins, "What is this??
What are you doing?! By Allah we
shall not give out baya' to him at
all", so then he said, "What do I do?"
So then they will say, "Go meet him"
and so he will meet him and so then
the Riser (a.s) will say, "Be
cautious...." so Allah (swt) will
strengthen their shoulders (the
companions of Mahdi a.s) until the
Sufyani will be taken as a hostage
and killed byhis hand (Mahdi a.s)."
Besharat Al islam p.305
Banners of Sufyani with different
Prince of the believers (a.s) said,
"Emergence of the Sufyani with a red
banner and the prince is a man from
Bani Kalb"
Bihar Al Anwar v.52 p.272
Prince of the believers (a.s) said,
"Emergence of the Sufyani with a
green banner and a cross made of
Bihar Al Anwar v.53 p.81
Istrabaadi (Raja) p.100
Sufyani gets killed in Iraq:
Bihar Al Anwar p.208 v.52
A Sufyani from Rome (Dajjal) who
is a supporter of Dajjal but is a
Abi Jaafer (a.s) said: "Al Mahdi will
defeat the Sufyani under the long tree
branches which shade within Heera"
v.52 p.386 Bihar Al Anwar