reading it. Then it all made sense to
The messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said:
"I am leaving for you two precious
and weighty Symbols that if you
adhere to BOTH of them you shall
not go astray after me. They are, the
Book of Allah (swt), and my progeny,
that is my Ahlul Bayt (a.s). The
Merciful Has Informed me that These
two shall not separate from each
other till they come to me by the Pool
(of Paradise)."
We cannot have the Ahlul Bayt (a.s)
without the Quran and we cannot
know the Quran without the Ahlul
Bayt (a.s). And now that we have
Ahmad (a.s), the Hujjah of Allah
(swt), he has explained the Quran in
such a way that only Ahlul Bayt (a.s)
truly can. So, I believe we should
encourage one another to read the
Quran and use the explanations of the
verses from the Hujjah of Allah (swt),
InshaAllah, Mola Ali Waaris.
If Allah (swt) Wills, "The Mahdi
Times" will now open with verses
from the Quran with Tafsir from
Ahlul Bayt (a.s), InshaAllah, Mola Ali
(a.s) and Ahmad al Hassan (a.s) so
that they May avenge Karbala and fill
the earth with justice and equality as
it has been filled with injustice and
tyranny, InshaAllah, Mola Ali Waaris.
May Allah (swt) Gather all of the
Ansar Allah Under the Righteous
Banner of Yamani (a.s), InshaAllah,
Mola Ali Waaris.
May Allah (swt) Lead all Truth
Seekers to the Truth of the Call of
Ahmad al Hassan (a.s),
InshaAllah,Mola Ali Waaris.
May Allah (swt) Hasten the
Emergence of Muhammad al Mahdi
Qur’an and the AhlulBayt
{.. And He holds the sky so as it cannot fall on the earth except with
His permission. ..} (22: 65)
Imam Ahmad Al Hasan (pbuh)
said: “Meaning that He withholds
the sky from falling on the earth by
a pillar that He has raised the sky
with, {Allah it is who hath raised
the heavens/skies with pillars
other (than the ones) that ye can
see, ..} [1].
So the pillar that holds the sky and
raises it, it is the pillar of light
that descends from the sky to the
Earth, and it is Allah within the
creation and it is the Face of Allah,
and he is Muhammad (pbuhap).
And likewise, in every era, it is the
Hujja (proof) of Allah upon the
people of the Earth, and if it were
not (this way) then the Earth
would be corrupted by its people
and return to not-existing, thus it
is the pillar of light descending
from the sky to the Earth, and it
holds the Earth (from corruption)
and holds the sky by His
permission the Glorified the Al-
mighty (who is far above) what
they associate (with Him).
[1] - The Holy Qur’an: Surat AlRa’ad {13: 2}.