Welcome Messa"
By: Laila Ali
Auzobillahe Minashaytaan Nirajeem
InshaAllah,Mola Ali Waaris. May
Allah (swt) Give our Imam Ahmad
Bismillah Arahma Niraheem
(a.s) and Imam Mahdi (a.s) patience
and comfort during this time,
Alhamdolillah Rabbil Aalmeen, All
Praise is Due to Allah swt Who Makes InshaAllah,Mola Ali Waaris.
What He Wills Possible and His Will
We ask the Ansar Allah to pray for the
is Just
Blessed Mother of Ahmad (a.s) as
Allahumma Salle Ala Muhammad wa much as possible. There is also a
thread where the Ansar Allah have
Ale Muhammad al Aimma'ti wal
come together and are reading
Mehdiyeen wa Sallim Tasleeman
Chapters from the Quran for her, you
may of course participate by clicking
Ya Ali!
this link, http://
Asalaam alayum wa rahmatullah wa www.hashemstudios-board.com/
f=88&t=6648 InshaAllah,Mola Ali
Welcome to "The Mahdi Times" Issue Waaris.
# 11, May 2012.
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know
Before we begin, I would like to give
them, and they follow me." John 10:11
my deepest Condolences to Imam
All Praise is Due to Allah (swt) For
Ahmad al Hassan (a.s) and
Leading us to His Hujjah, Ahmad al
Muhammad al Mahdi (a.s) for the
Hassan (a.s), even though we are not
passing away of the Blessed Mother
of Ahmad al Hassan (a.s). My deepest worthy of such an honor.
Condolences to all of the Ansar Allah If we recall back to how things were
for the passing away of the Blessed
before we came across the Dawah of
Mother of Ahmad al Hassan (a.s).
Ahmad al Hassan (a.s), it is almost as
Ansar Allah from all around the
though we have to struggle to
world have been extremely pained by remember that time. And often it
the saddening news and on the day
makes me think, it is like we have
the news went out, many from all
known Ahmad (a.s) forever, as if he is
around the globe gathered on Paltalk so familiar to us that it is difficult to
in the "Ansar al Imam Mahdy" room, remember a time when we did not
praying and listening and coming
know him. SubhanaAllah! Allah (swt)
together to offer condolences to the
is All Merciful and His Will is
Imams (a.s) and the other Ansar
Just. The miracle of how people from
Allah. We are unworthy sinners, but
all over the world, who never even
we pray that May Allah (swt) Give
knew each other, have gathered
the Blessed Mother of the Savior of
together wanting to Serve Ahmad
Mankind, Ahmad al Hassan (a.s), the (a.s), either through miracles they
Highest Place in Heaven with
have received or through searching
Muhammad (s.a.w)
for the truth. Somehow they ended
and Ale Muhammad (a.s),
up following Ahmad (a.s). Like moths
to a light, they gravitated to the light
of Ahmad (a.s).
"But to those who receive Guidance,
He increases the (light of) Guidance,
and bestows on them their Piety and
Restraint (from evil)." Quran 47:17.
May Allah (swt) Bless all of the Ansar
Allah, InshaAllah, Mola Ali Waaris.
When we look around and see the
different things the Ansar Allah are
involved in and how overnight,
HashemStudios became dedicated to
Ahmad al Hassan (a.s), it truly shows
that there is a Divine Hand Guiding
all things. When we look at some of
the TADS episodes prior to Abdullah
learning about Ahmad (a.s), we find
that that everything being shown was
leading to this truth of Ahmad (a.s).
This truth is in itself truly humbling.
All Praise is Due to Allah swt, Who
Makes What He Wills Possible and
His Will is Just. We cannot even being
to comprehend His Mercy and How
much He Has Blessed us. If we were
to sit here and count His Blessings,
we would never be able to, time
would run out but His Blessings
would not. Mola Ali Waaris. And
without a doubt, the Quran is one of
His Most Wonderful Blessings.
One thing that I came across recently
is truly how beautiful the Quran is. I
have read the Quran and verses from
it before, but I experienced something
recently that surprised me. This all of
a sudden pull to just read it. To just
actually sit and read it. And when I
did so, I felt this sweetness that I
could not explain. I did not want to
put it down and wanted to continue