Kufa will encounter him because they need
to kill him,so then he(Mahdi)will kill them all
and no one will survive out of it."Noor
AlAnwar p.345 v.3 Bihar AlAnwar v.52 p.389
21.Imam Al-Baaqer a.s "If the Qa'em
emerges he shall aproach to Kufa and so
then a few thousands will emerge out of it
claiming (Batrya), with them are weapons,
and they will say, return from where you
came we do not need your help with sons of
Fatima, and so he shall take to them the
sword until he reaches the last one of them,
and then he shall enter Kufa and will kill in
there every misguided hypocrite, and will
destroy their palaces,and will kill the fighters
until Allah swt is pleased" Irshad Al-Mufeed
v.2 p.384 Sheikh
Sheikh Korani: "It seems that most of those
who are Batrya are Shia"Mujam
AlMawthoo'ee Ahadeeth Imam Al Mahdi a.s
22.Malahem Wal Fitan p.50 "If the Sufyani
entered the place of Egypt,he will settle there
for 4 months,killing and turning their people
into captives"
23. "And the people of the West will emerge
to Egypt and if they enter that is then the
rulership of the Sufyani and before it there
will be someone who calls to the family of
Muhammad"Bihar AlAnwar p.208 v.52
24.Abi Jaafer (a.s)said:"AlMahdi will defeat
the Sufyani under the long tree branches
which shade within Heera"v.52 p.386 Bihar
Al Anwar
25.Prophet Muhammad pbuhap"And against
the Sufyani from the people of the East,a
minister of Al-Mahdi,and he shall defeat the
Sufyani in Sham"Sharh Ahqaq AlHaq section
29 p.620
26.Imam Al Saadiq pbuh said about the
Sufyani:"He will send 130,000 to AlKufa and
will reach AlRawha and AlFarooq, and from
it 60,000 will march until they reach AlKufa
the place of the grave of Hud pbuh in
AlNukhaila" AlBihar v.52 p.273
27.Imam AlBaqir pbuh aid:"And AlSufyani
will send an army to AlKufa and their count is
70,000 and will target the people of AlKufa
with killing,crucifying and captivating, so
while they are in this way the black banners
will arrive from Khurasan opening up the
houses with a rapid opening and with them is
a group from the companions of the Riser"
AlBihar v.52 p.238