15.Imam Ali a.s said:"the horseman of the
family of Sufyan will emerge with the
lies,and the banner of the Yamani will be
raised behind HIM very close and it is the
guided banner that calls to the truth and the
straight path"p.131 Imam Ali a.s. Signs of the
End times
then the Sufyani will meet him and defeat
them and kill them,and so then the army of
the Sufyani will go to Kufa,and they will not
leave anyone remaining, except they
killed"Besharat Al Islam p.83
18.From Abi Jaafer(a.s)said:"If the Sufyani
received the n ews that the Riser reached him
near Kufa,he will then ride his horse until he
meets the Riser,so he will emerge and then
say:Take me to my cousin." Besharat AlIslam
16.From Imam AlSaadeq pbuh he said:"O
Sudair remain in your house and be a Hales
(dweller who doesn't leave his house)from
among the Ahlas(plural of Hales, dwellers
who don't leave their houses). And dwell in
it,during night and day.And if someone
declared that the Sufyani emerged,go to US
even if it was on foot."p.303 vol.52 Bihar Al
17.Prince of the believers pbuh said:"And a
punishment from Allah has been brought
upon them by a man from the people of the
Safah,he wouldn't enter a city except that he
is destroying and killing its people,that is his
emergence,him and the one who made him
enter to Baghdad, near my grave(Imam Ali
a.s)to exhume it(remove body from grave),so
19.Imam AlSaadeq pbuh said:"And the riser
will make a move until he reaches
AlNajaf,and people from AlKufa will emerge
from the army of the Sufyani and his
companions,and the people are with him on
a Wednesday.So he will call them to
himself,and wants them to hearken to him
about his right,also telling them that he is
oppressed and saddened.And he
says:"Whoever argues against me by Allah
for I am the first of those with Allah. So then
they will say:"Return from where you came
from,we don't need you.We already reported
you and have tested you." Bihar AlAnwar
v.52 p.389
20.Imam Al Baqer a.s said:"If the Riser
emerges from Karbala intending to go to
Najaf while the people are around him,he
will kill between Karbala and Najaf 16,000
Faqeeh(Islamic scholar,jurist)and the people
around him from hypocrites will say: He is
not from the son of Fatima or else he would
have been merciful to them,and when he
enters AlNajaf while he stays there one night
he will then emerge from the door of
AlNukhaila intending to go to the grave of
Hood and Saleh(pbut),70,000 people from