The Mahdi Times June 2014 | Page 19

no activities, so he stays at the local youth community centre. Yes, there are educated, Middle Class youth leaving to join wars too, however there still seems to be a greater trend among the ones coming from socially deprived areas and the opportunist terror organisations use this to go after them. One of the first things that struck me in Reyaad’s video with ISIS was the bling Reyaad was wearing on his wrist! That watch speaks for itself! ISIS lures young children in with the promise of a house and good salary when they join, they undergo training for a year in which they acclimatise with the environment and learn combat. They use a similar tactic with the underage boys they are recruiting to fight in the front lines and go as suicide bombers by promising them an education. ISIS, yes, an evil terrorist group, are picking up where the governments have left off. They have seen a gap, an opening and are cunningly taking advantage of it. We can see Reyaad was an impressionable young man as when filmed in Cardiff he talks with a slight Cardiff accent and sounds like a normal teenager. In the video with ISIS he speaks with a heavy Arabic accent. The influence is clearly evident. Many people are falling through the cracks and into the net of Iblis (l.a) by naively joining the army of Sufyani (l.a) because most of them do not know there is an alternative. The alternative is Ahmad al Hassan (a.s), the Yamani (a.s). He speaks of Jihad too. But not this sort, of murdering, shedding innocent blood, recruiting child soldiers and abducting innocent women for “sex jihad”. No. The Yamani (a.s) has condemned such actions. We, the Supporters of Allah (swt) and His Vicegerent on earth do not partake in such wars. We defend ourselves, yes. But we do not initiate it. We must spread the message of Yamani (a.s) more than these devils are spreading the message of Sufyani (l.a), so let’s get out and make a noise! “…the holders of the right divine religion are seeking to guide the people and rid them of the nets of Satan, and to rescue them from the fire, and to make them enter Paradise, and never will you find them wanting to kill people or that they choose to kill, but rather it (fighting/killing) is a situation that they are forced to turn to. And if it is possible to push it (fighting/killing) away while achieving [what is in the interest of] religion and disseminating the teachings of Allah, the Glorious, the Almighty, then it becomes necessary that we seek to push it away, just as the Messenger of Allah, Upon him and his Progeny Peace, did with the Polytheists in Hudaybiyah, and as Moses, Upon him Peace, did before with Pharaoh and his people in Egypt.” – “Jihad is the Door to Paradise”, Ahmad al Hassan (a.s), Yamani (a.s).