The Mahdi Times December Issue | Page 42

STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 42 ground he walked on. In fact, it is said that he used to apply to his eyes, the dust from the feet of Imam Hussain a.s. He resented anyone taking precedence in serving Imam Hussain a.s. It is said that once Imam Hussain a.s, while present with his Holy father Ali a.s in the mosque of Kufa, felt thirsty and asked for water from his servant Qumber. The child Abbas a.s leapt to his feet, and brushing aside the faithful servant, rushed to bring the water for his master himself. In the hurry to carry the water as quickly as possible, he spilt it on his own clothes. His illustrious father stopped in his speech and tears rolled down his cheeks. When asked by his faithful followers the reason for his tears, Ali a.s uttered those prophetic words which came true some twenty years later: "Abbas who has today wetted his clothes with water in his zeal to quench the thirst of his brother Hussain, will one day soak his very body in his on blood in attempting to quench the thirst of Imam Hussain's children". Pilgrimage to his Mausoleum It is almost fourteen hundred years since this tragedy occured at Karbala, and still tens of thousands of pilgrims keep going there ye \