The Mahdi Times December Issue | Page 3

STRAIGHTMONTHLY December 2011 3 according to the religion of Masih ibn Mariam (i.e. deem it Halal)'   Tafseer Mazhari [Arabic], Volume 5 page 271, commentary of 14:29  Tafseer Mazhari [Urdu], Volume 6 pages 202-203, commentary of 14:29  Al-Waqidi has recorded from various ways that Abdullah bin Hanzallah narrated: 'verily we opposed Yazeed at that time when we feared that Allah (swt) would send down stones on us, Yazeed considered nikah (marriage) with mothers, daughters and sisters to be permissible, drank alcohol and abandoned prayers'. Surely when Imam Hussain a.s said, "A person like me cannot give allegiance to a person like Yazid who had violated all tenets of Islam", he spoke of what Yazeed l.a represented.  SubhanAllah! Imam Hussain a.s represented Islam, Submission to Allah swt and His Oneness and Obedience and Worship, only to Allah swt. Whereas Yazid l.a represented all the opposite. No doubt Yazid l.a was Iblis l.a in human form.  Brothers and Sisters, By refusing to do Bayah to Yazid l.a we see the standard of Imam Hussain a.s. He did not allow his high standard to fall, for if he had done Bayah to Yazid l.a, then for centuries after Islam would have changed into something else and every tyrant would use this stick to beat the masses with. Hussain a.s is the example. He has been written in history as the one who never bowed to tyranny and oppression. His morals and standard are there for everyone to see.  The Children of Fatima a.s are ones who exemplify morality and Obedience to Allah swt, One after the other. In fact from the Father of the Imams a.s, Ali a.s, up until Imam Hasan Askari a.s all Imams a.s were martyred.  They were such a threat to the Evils Ones that one by one they were poisoned. That fact alone should should ring alarm bells in the heads of the people that go against the Imams a.s,Mola Ali Waaris.  What was it about these Children of Fatima a.s, that posed such a massive threat? They called to the Supremacy of Allah swt and not the Supremacy of the People.  All from Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman deemed themselves worthy enough to Choose who to follow. Astagfarullah, Mola Ali Waaris.  Surely they had forgotten what happened with Habil a.s and Qabil l.a.  Both children of Prophet Adam a.s, but one was chosen by Allah swt and the other deemed himself worthy so chose himself.  The Brothers of Nabi Yusuf a.s envied Yusuf a.s so much so that they wanted to kill him, in the end they threw him in the well and he ended up in Egypt, far away from them...but did that stop Yusuf a.s from being the Representative of Allah swt at that time? No, because regardless of what the wish of anyone is, the Will of Allah swt is Just and He is All Powerful.  He says, "Be, and it is". The Abu Bakr's, Umar's and Uthman's can do whatever, but they can never deny Ali a.s, the Hujjah of Allah swt was above them in everything. In Knowledge, Ilm Divine and all other, Virtue, Honesty, Charity, Justice, Equality, Battle for Islam, in everything Ali a.s was ahead, before everyone. He raced to Preserve the Teachings of Muhammad s.a.w. and Quran and even those who crowned themselves as Caliph always went to Ali a.s in matter of Islam and Jurisprudence. So, who is worthy to be a leader, the one who has all the knowledge and he answers you straight away or the one who says, "I do not know, go and ask that man