Indeed, the Comforter is Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan, as messenger from Jesus to the Christians and he came to teach us the religion
of God and to fill the Land with Peace and Justice after it has been filled with Tyranny and Injustice.
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan said: 'Jesus (A.S) said "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the
mouth of God"
And I, the slave of God, tell you: With food, the son of Adam shall die, and with the word of God, he shall live.
My mission is similar to Noah's (A.S), Abraham's (A.S), Moses' (A.S), Jesus' (A.S), and to Mohammad's (PBUH).
My mission is to spread monotheism (belief that there is only one God) in every place on this Earth. The purpose of the Prophets
and Executors is my own purpose and to explain the Torah, the Bible and the Quran, and whatever you disagreed upon. To explain
the deviation of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars and their secession from the Law of God, and their violation of
Prophets' recommendations (A.S)
My will is the will and volition of God (to Whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty); for the people of Earth to crave for
nothing but God's will; to overwhelm the Earth with justice and fairness, just like it is filled with tyranny and oppression; to feed
the hungry and shelter the poor; to bring joy to orphans after their prolonged sadness; to fulfill the widows' material needs with
honor and dignity; and to achieve the most important thing in the Law of God; justice, mercy and honesty}.
Finding the Rightly Guided One and Discerning Self
Deception (in this Age of Lawlessness)
– a letter to sincere and thoughtful Christians.
By: Neil A. Jensen (Australia)
I am a new student of the
followers of Imam Ahmad
Al Hassan Al Mahdi, and
am grateful to be asked to
write an article for this
magazine. A chance to
or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come.
3} Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not
come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is
revealed, the son of perdition.
My thoughts:
In my study of the Holy Bible, I do not see Trinity mentioned
(as described by Roman Creeds) at all. The phrase ‘Son of
God’ is a descriptive terminology for me. A collective hope
(refer to the writings of Paul in Ephesians).
The ansars have welcomed
me as a family member,
and even though many are
my junior in years, their sincerity, humility, and kindness has
made me feel like a treasured son in a loving family. As a
brother said to me last night, 'we all desire love and family,
don't we?' In the community of ansars I have found that.
This mystery explained in the Bible also has its opposite the
‘son of perdition’.
But of course, mankind has always appointed and encouraged
its specific leaders. So these terms can be personalized, no
problem at all, by men who have a set agenda of power
and control. For men
whose hearts are
corrupted, whose desires
are flawed and filthy, and
who lack the devotion of a
pure heart. Whereas the
heart of a devotee in love
with God is clean, pure,
and spotless. A ‘believer’
whose intention was even
righteous in its seed from
the beginning. The Hindu
term for seed is ‘bija’, and from seeds a plant grows.
So in a way they have dragged me by the collar of
encouragement and tenderness, to talk and share my thoughts.
May any mistakes herein be overlooked, and the inner essence
of my reasoning and conscience be seen. My conscience is the
reasoning of accepting Islam: a desire for one family, one faith,
one world of peace, and One God.
These young men and women are a fine example of Islam, a
treasure I would not want to lose. In them I see a hope for the
current crisis in the world, therefore my full support is offered
to the mission of the Yamani (A.S).
The Great Apostasy
2 Thessalonians Chapter 2
It is natural for man to aggrandize the ego and fall into error
and misconception. It is also intrinsic and natural for the heart
within man, to seek some type of shelter and guidance. How
important is it then to