The Magnet® Model | Page 17

In addition to developing and empowering staff to achieve organizational goals , transformational leaders develop strong procedures and systems to create and support an environment of excellence . Explaining the second component , structural empowerment , the ANCC ( 2021 ) writes , “ Solid structures and processes developed by influential leadership provide an innovative environment where strong professional practice flourishes and where the mission , vision , and values come to life to achieve the outcomes believed to be important for the organization .” This type of strong practice can only be achieved through strategic plans and policies that fit the organization ’ s goals . The Forces of Magnetism represented in this component include : organizational structure , personnel policies and programs , community and healthcare organization , image of nursing , and professional development ( ANCC , 2021 ).
Duke Raleigh Hospital ’ s “ Walk This Way ” project demonstrates successful structural empowerment . A team of ICU nurses created and implemented a new standard protocol of increased mobility for their ICU patients , particularly patients receiving mechanical ventilation . The project documented : increased mobility in vented patients , decreased ICU length of stay for vented and surgical patients and reduced mechanical ventilation days . The project reported , “ These outcomes resulted in a six-month cost savings of $ 620,981 , with a projected annual fiscal impact of $ 1.2 million ” ( AACN ).