THE MAGAZINE N.2 | Page 27

A glimpse of the port of Saint-Tropez , with some of its typical boats of local fishermen
biers , quasi tre chilometri più in là . Da qui si può proseguire fino alla Plage des Salins , altri sei chilometri , e se per caso non bastasse ( a noi non è bastato ), imboccate il sentiero che porta a Cap du Pinet e Plage de Tahiti dopo un ’ altra ora di camminata lungo la scogliera , tra il verde della macchia mediterranea e il blu profondo del mare . Nel mezzo , ovviamente , un paio di bagni ristoratori e la pausa pranzo a base dei prodotti acquistati in piazza delle Erbe . Al ritorno , ho apprezzato la pazienza di Pierre , che insiste a parlarmi francese , ma che sa farsi capire ( e voler bene ) e ci riporta a casa . Anche questa villa , come La Bergerie a Saint Rémy , ha meritato un posto nel mio diario . Un disegno con i colori più belli di questo viaggio . Sotto la mia frase : “ Qui per un po ’… nei miei ricordi per sempre !”. snack , and the endless sequence of private ( very expensive ) beaches , such as the famous Pampelonne , and public ( and therefore free ) ones , including Plage des Canoubiers , with its equally fine , golden sand , much loved by the locals . One suggestion : don ’ t use your car to get around . The area is full of beautiful footpaths that can only be described as – you guessed it – charmant , although even that word doesn ’ t really do them justice . So walking really is a brilliant option . One of these footpaths joins the port to the Baie des Canebiers ( another name for the Plage des Canoubiers ), almost three kilometres away . From here you can continue to Plage des Salins , another six kilometres , and if that is not enough ( it wasn ’ t for us ), take the path that leads to Cap du Pinet and Plage de Tahiti after another hour ’ s walk along the cliffs , amidst the green of the Mediterranean scrub and the deep blue of the sea . In between , of course , a couple of restorative swims and a lunch of delicious treats bought in the Place aux Herbes . On the way back , I appreciated Pierre ’ s patience ; he insisted on speaking French to me , but knew how to make himself understood ( in the best possible way ) and took us home . This villa , like La Bergerie in Saint Rémy , also earned a place in my diary . A drawing with the most beautiful colours of this trip . Beneath my words : " Here for a little while … forever in my heart !".
An example of the magnificent apples and pears painted by Paul Cézanne
Alla prossima !
Until next time !