The MAG Vietnam Vol 8 April 2017 | Seite 7

Sport FOOTY, PIE, BEER…. And then there’s the cost of food and drinks — two elements that form part and parcel of the football experience. At the MCG, a meat pie will cost you $4.10, but at Adelaide Oval you’ll be expected to fork out $5.30. Beers are also more expensive, although only marginally. BEST VALUE AFL CLUB 11-game general admission membership adult — Essendon $170 MOST EXPENSIVE AFL CLUB 11-game reserved seat membership adult — West Coast $475 11-game reserved seat membership family — West Coast $1334 Getting into the nitty gritty; What does it cost for us to go and watch a season of AFL? First of all, let’s have a look at the location of each game, and we are going to base the costs on a EAGLES support- er. Games at home for 2017 – 11; Price of Admission $475 Away Games for 2017 – 10; Ave Admission Price $38 x 10 = $380 Airfares Rtn to Perth – Ave $740 x 10 = $7,400 Accommodation – Budget (2nights) x 10 = 2,900 So, to get to every game; total cost = $11,155 Pie and 4 beers at each game (ave cost); $35per game = $735 So for an Eagles fan the bill to go and watch every game not including the finals is; $11,890 Cost to fly to Vietnam – stay for the whole season, including Grand final and watch EVERY game – Every Team and an apartment for the entire trip Airfare Perth – HCMC Rtn $840 (or less) Apartment 8 months (ave cost) 6,000,000₫ = 48,000,000₫ = $2,791 5 beers and a pie each game = $250 (or less) Choice of venues to watch all Sports – endless Total cost in Australia: $11,890 Total cost in Vietnam: $ 3,881 Difference: $ 8,009 You save over $8,000 just watching the footy! In our new weekly “Are you Serious about Sport” “Mini MAG” (avilable from participating venues each Thursday) we will be featuring bars in Vung Tau that have Sports available for their patrons. We will endeavour to give you update incentives for you to select one bar over the next, subject to your personal preferences, and we will be giving you weekly insight into what is happening in the sports of your choice. With independent reporters providing the inside view along with scheduled viewing times and odds on offer to the punter. Join us at the MAG this season to get the scoop on what’s happening in Sport this season. The MAG Vung Tau 7