The Lovely Pink Diva The Lovely Pink Diva | Page 10


Purple embodies the balance of red's stimulation and blue's calm. This dichotomy can cause unrest or uneasiness unless the undertone is clearly defined, at which point the purple takes on the characteristics of its undertone. With a sense of mystic and royal qualities, purple is a color often well liked by very creative or eccentric types and is the favorite color of adolescent girls. Purple can uplift, calms the mind and nerves, offers a sense of spirituality, and encourages creativity.


Red has more personal associations than any other color. Recognized as a stimulant, red is inherently exciting and the amount of red is directly related to the level of energy perceived. Red draws attention and a keen use of red as an accent can immediately focus attention on a particular element. Red can increases enthusiasm. Stimulates energy and can increase the blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, and pulse rate. Encourages action and confidence, and provides a sense of protection from fears and anxiety.


Orange, a close relative of red, sparks more controversy than any other hue. There is usually strong positive or negative association to orange and true orange generally elicits a stronger "love it" or "hate it" response than other colors. Fun and flamboyant orange radiates warmth and energy.

Interestingly, some tones of orange, such as terra cotta, peach, and rust have very broad appeal. Orange can stimulates activity, stimulates appetite, and encourages socialization.