The Lovely Pink Diva The Lovely Pink Diva | Page 18

things in place or disguise that unwanted belly fat!!! If you are totally up and down and have a straight body, no Vertical stripes (DUH!!!..don't need to look any more up and down than you are already!!) and no square necklines!! Prints and embellishments at the waist make a straight body look curvy and create a waistline. Now get out there and flaunt your beach body!! With the occasional fashion and makeup tips from your GBF, you are ready to take on the world!!!

Dear Anthony,

My boyfriend cheated on me. Right now I feel like dirt, and feeling so betrayed, please help me feel better.

Soon to be a Ex

Hello Soon to be Ex. It is never easy when you have someone cheat on you and yes, you feel betrayed and like dirt afterwards. I hope you are dumping him after this incident!!! My partner and I have been together for 9 years and I have always told him that the small arguments we have are never worth losing each other over but...if I caught him cheating or even attempting to, best believe his ass would be on the curb and he wouldn’t even know what hit him!!! The occasional flirting, I feel, is healthy because everyone needs that feeling that they are still desirable by the other sex, even though they are in a committed relationship. Some of my girlfriends say to me, if I caught my boyfriend cheating with another man, it would be easier because at least I know that he has something to give him that I can't, but another woman, would be hard. You feel worthless, un-pretty, and just down right saddened with the question, "Why?" To tell you not to grieve would be cruel for me to say. So... grieve a little bit, but PUH-LEASE!!!! do not drag it out and be dramatic about it. No one