Reader's Anthems
Last week's edition was about finding your inspiration in entertainment, finding your anthem. I said in the article to let me know if you have an anthem. I got a really amazing email from a reader telling me about her anthem, and the story behind it. I have permission to tell it; however, her name has been changed to protect her identity.
*Angie has something in common with me; we were both first wives who were used by a husband to further himself. Mine used me for a green card. *Angie was used because of her family connections in the corporate world. Her husband wanted to get ahead. When *Angie read The Lovely Pink Diva, she could relate to what I had gone through, she herself had gone through it. Only, her husband didn’t quite hide her from everyone, people knew they were married.
He stayed married to her for about a year, long enough to get ahead in corporate America. Then shortly after the one year anniversary, he suddenly announced he was not happy, and was divorcing her. *Angie was very confused, she thought they were happy. It shocked not only her, but all their friends and family as well.