The Lovely Pink Diva The Lovely Pink Diva | Page 17

to put on a new apartment. I got into a depression; I spent money to spend money and ruined my credit again, this time it was from depression.

Well, one of my friends sat me down, when I saw I was so overdrawn on my bank account that my pay I just got was gone and the reason was because it had to be used to pay all the overdraft fees. She help wake me up that I had to get out the depression, and two she told me how she had 2 checking accounts, one for bills and one for emergencies. Well I didn’t do that, but the thought was in the back of my head. I got on a budget, got my act straighten out, but still live pay to pay.

I know sometimes I need another job to help me get by, but due to my primary job, that is impossible to get a second job. If those make money on the internet actually worked and was not a scam I would do that, however the legit ones are hard to find. Yes I do blog, but I make no money off of blogging, I do this simply to relax.

One day, about 4 years after my divorce, I got a check from jury duty, but I was not near my bank and I needed to cash it to put gas in the car. My co-worker and friend said why I don’t go down the road to Wal-Mart; they got bank in there open an account then can cash the check. Suddenly I remember what happened years ago and another friend saying about an emergency account. So I did that, I opened a checking account that also came with a free savings account. Work will deposit your check into as many accounts as you need. I did some math and I had $25 go into this checking account and $50 goes into the free savings that came with the checking. The rest went into my other account, the one I live on and pay the bills with. I do not miss the $75, it is building up and that was how I was able to take my first solo trip, I saved for it. I never did that before. I don’t have credit cards anymore, I still look at things as do I need it or do I want it. I save for things that I want. I appreciate them so much more.

Am I financially secure, no. I still am rebuilding my credit after damaging it, but I can say now I am much better at handling money now. Sometimes you need to hit bottom to get your act

down, when I saw I was so overdrawn on my bank account that my pay I just got was gone and the reason was because it had to be used to pay all the overdraft fees. She help wake me up that I had to get out the depression, and two she told me how she had 2 checking accounts, one for bills and one for emergencies. Well I didn’t do that, but the thought was in the back of my head. I got on a budget, got my act straighten out, but still live pay to pay.

I know sometimes I need another job to help me get by, but due to my primary job, that is impossible to get a second job. If those make money on the internet actually worked and was not a scam I would do that, however the legit ones are hard to find. Yes I do blog, but I make no money off of blogging, I do this simply to relax.

One day, about 4 years after my divorce, I got a check from jury duty, but I was not near my bank and I needed to cash it to put gas in the car. My co-worker and friend said why I don’t go down the road to Wal-Mart; they got bank in there open an account then can cash the check. Suddenly I remember what happened years ago and another friend saying about an emergency account. So I did that, I opened a checking account that also came with a free savings account. Work will deposit your check into as many accounts as you need. I did some math and I had $25 go into this checking account and $50 goes into the free savings that came with the checking. The rest went into my other account, the one I live on and pay the bills with. I do not miss the $75, it is building up and that was how I was able to take my first solo trip, I saved for it. I never did that before. I don’t have credit cards anymore, I still look at things as do I need it or do I want it. I save for things that I want. I appreciate them so much more.

Am I financially secure, no. I still am rebuilding my credit after damaging it, but I can say now I am much better at handling money now. Sometimes you need to hit bottom to get your act together and sometimes you need to change your mind set to get financially responsible. In my case it was both, and I am very glad I did. We can come up with all the excuses as to why cannot save, but the truth is it just takes a little effort, and actually doing it to see it rally can be done. When you do what I do, you don’t see the money in the check you live on, so you’re not tempted to spend it. The secret so can save, hide the ATM card. Mine well in the lingerie drawer hidden so I do not use it. It can be done, when you’re ready to save, you can do it. Now if I can only find legit make money on the internet, without spending money on it, I will be good for gas money!