The Miranda
“I have low self-esteem, but I express it the healthy way... by eating a box of Double-Stuff Oreos.”- Miranda, Sex and The City
Your smart, you have every confidence in doing your job, but when comes to you in general, you have low self-esteem. You want to be more, but your self confidence in yourself keeps you from even trying sometimes. That is the typical Miranda. Building up your self-esteem it can be hard, especially with today and the medias blasting us with images of these skinny models. Telling women they need to be like this model, most are airbrushed to look that way, so not even a true representation of the actual model. Most women can relate to Miranda, just simply based on this. The best advice I have seen in boiling confidence is from Laws of Attraction books, write down everything that is great about you. Every day just add one more thing to the list. As you do this you feel your esteem rising, and you eventually believe you are an amazing woman. Miranda, eventual found her esteem and married Steve, yes they had their ups and downs, but with him she found she was beautiful to him, and that was all she needed.