The Lord's Table. The Lord's Table | Page 7

So many times over serving tires one out and they neglect the most important parts of their relationship with Jesus Christ. Their walk, their prayer life and studying God’s Word. Not serving Jesus makes the work we do for His Kingdom a burdensome task and is no longer an extension of our daily walk with Him. Jesus was telling Martha over serving and not sitting at His feet was why she was so burdened not because she was tired of serving but that she needed to be refreshed and choose the good part and take time to hear Jesus Words that daily bread that gives life.

A Simple thought,

Abbot Joshus Sparks.

Your Invited.

The Lord's Table is a place where we remember Jesus painful death, and we are reminded of His broken and Body and Shed blood and we do show His death until He Comes(1 Cor 11:13-34). Your invited to worship Jesus with us tonight, Sunday December 22nd 2013 at the Abbey of The Society of Jesus at 7pm. There will be powerful Apostolic Pentecostal Worship. Holy Ghost filled Preaching. We will be celebrating the Lord's Supper, and praying for those sick in body. Hope to see you here.