Layar App [LS] - HLF.pdf 1 05/06/2015 08:20:39
TradeLocks Declare
Zero Interest in
their Bianchi Key
Cutting Machines!
»»Yes - you heard
correctly! Zero interest is
not necessarily a bad thing,
especially when it comes
to purchasing quality tools
from TradeLock, the provider
of innovative locksmith
solutions. Customers can
NOW buy on finance with 0%
interest for an entire YEAR on
ALL Bianchi machines! It may
sound too good to be true;
but actually it’s a fact!
Here’s what the MD
of TradeLocks, David
Jennings, had to say about
this generous new offer,
“TradeLocks always looks
at ways in which to give
something back to our valued
customers, whenever we
can. And, due to the fact
that we are now offering
a selection of efficient,
effective Bianchi key cutting
machines, this has presented
the ideal opportunity to
allow professionals to
take advantage of another
incredible deal!
“So we have decided to
charge 0% interest for 12
whole months if you buy
on finance. This means
that you pay absolutely
NOTHING interest-wise,
which not only saves a great
deal of cash in the process,
but also guarantees 100%
“All of the main Bianchi
key cutting machines are
included in the deal, for
example, the Ninja Laser,
Falcon and Carat, which
means there is plenty of
choice. These amazing key
cutting machines have been
specifically designed for
cylinders • 63
Interactive Print
Steve Sidebottom - Director, Clearview Group Limited
usability and convenience,
and are incredibly durable
and hard-wearing. They are
also perfectly suitable for a
variety of auto k