industrynews • 5
Lockex At Coventry’s Ricoh Arena
– The Place To Be In September 2016
Clearview Group director Steve Sidebottom comments
on the Group’s first venture into the exhibition market, to
take place at Coventry’s Ricoh Arena in September 2016.
»»When we first began
planning for our first venture
into the exhibition market,
we naturally considered
several venues, and to be
fair, all of them had a lot to
offer. But after very careful
consideration, we decided
that Coventry’s Ricoh Arena
ticked every box for us –
not least that it is a venue
well-known to the locksmith
industry, whose heart is
not far away, in the West
Ricoh has many
advantages: it is within a
couple of hours’ drive of 75
percent of the country and
offers flexible multi-purpose
halls plus all the various
services needed for both
exhibitors and visitors. There
is ample accommodation
and car parking across the
complex. So it ticks all the
boxes for exhibitors and
As this issue went to press,
we were very happy to have
signed up these prestigious
• Advanced Keys
• Aldridge
• Brisant
• Davenport-Burgess
• ME Duffells
• Lockey
• M-Marcus
• Rhino Technology
• SafeVentures
• Securefast
• UAP/Tradelocks
Remember, Lockex isn’t just
our event: it is yours.
This summer we are
launching our own “Find A
Locksmith”, an online facility
aimed at helping consumers
find the right person to tackle
their security concerns,
quickly and easily, wherever
they live in the UK.
Lockex [APR15] - DPS.pdf 1 09/04/2015 16:22:10
It’s what you asked for
More companies
sign up for Lockex
»»The Clearview Group,
publishers of The Locksmith journal, is
heading in another new direction with
our entry into the Exhibition sector:
Lockex will take place at Coventry’s
Ricoh Arena in September next year and
is already being seen as a brand new, biannual and strictly unmissable event for
locksmiths and auto locksmiths across
the UK and beyond.
‘each month, more are
adding their names,
giving tremendous
stature and credibility
to what is set to be a
prestigious date in the
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