The Locksmith Journal Mar/Apr 2020 - Issue 67 | Page 33

HARDWARE & SECURITY This involves making sure that the door hardware (including hinges, handles, door closers, locks and signage) is certified, functional, regularly serviced and maintained. Educating staff and students on what to look out for when checking fire doors and how to spot any potential damage is also important. Simply putting up fire safety posters and guides can go a long way in helping students avoid easy mistakes (such as propping open fire doors) that could otherwise have detrimental consequences. Integrated security From fire detection to cloud-based security systems, there’s a range of innovative technologies that can be integrated into a university campus. Advanced security systems have a huge number of benefits that universities simply can’t ignore. With most universities being designed as ‘open environments’, where people can freely move about, the implementation of an integrated security system is key, especially when aiming to streamline the flow of movement without substituting security. Today, with cloud- based access control, facility managers can simply issue and retract access credentials meaning entry can be allowed or denied based on person, access point or even time of day. In the event that someone has wrongly gained access to a facility, to preserve student, staff and even equipment safety it’s essential to have an effective lockdown procedure in place. To avoid any security risks, a lockdown strategy should be based on two critical factors, these being security layers and people and protocols. Regarding layers, every campus is made of the exterior (such as the parking area) and interior (like lecture theatres), therefore the plan must cover this. There must also be trained people on site to make sure protocols are followed in the event of an emergency. Furthermore, in the possibility of a safe escape, appropriate digital signage, which can switch between a number of escape routes and guide people towards the safest exist must be clearly seen and understood. Not only this, there must be a designated meeting place for students and staff to meet in the event of a fire. Action is key As facility managers continue to see the importance of both fire and security elements, it appears more and more educational establishements are now integrating fire and lockdown into one critical incident plan. It’s no doubt that the safety of students should be a constant goal for facility managers and security teams. Through education, we can improve our investments into fire safety hardware, our understanding of effective lockdown procedures and our integration of increasingly holistic procedures and infrastructures. Only then can we be confident in our efforts to protect students. Sources;; news/government-bans-combustible-materials-on-high-rise-homes; materials; html; html;; MAR/APR 2020 Magazine Sponsor Issue Takeover 33