The Locksmith Journal Jan/Feb 2023 - Issue 84 | Page 3

Issue 84 | Contents
08 MASTERING DATA Federation ’ s new publication helps makes sense of complex master key system data protection .
Best Practice Guide
Master Key System Data Protection
A dhf Best Practice Guide to CEN / TS 17814:2022
14 CAN YOU FIT IT ? Yes you can , with Ironmongery Direct ’ s impressive ‘ light duty to maximum security ’ portfolio .
22 STRONG QUARTER Squire ’ s Stronghold celebrates 25 years as the very ‘ best of British ’ heavy duty padlock .
28 THIS WAY UP How staying up-to-date with technology helps upgrade your upselling opportunities .
36 NO STOPPING Firm in the belief that no locksmith should ever leave a job , SASHSTOP keeps designing …
08 www . dhfonline . org . uk 14 22
50 OEM OR ODM Do you know the difference between OEM and ODM and what its means for manufacturing ?
71 THE YEAR OF TOOLS Jump start 2023 with 3D Group ’ s tried and tested latest auto locksmithing equipment .
78 NOT FOR DUMMIES Van lock training from the locksmith who used to used a mannequin to deter thieves .
28 Security Systems | 33 All About The Door | 52 Going Forward | 68 History of Locks | 71 Auto Locksmiths
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ISSN 2633-8874
JAN / FEB 2023 3
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