The Locksmith Journal 96 May 2024 | Page 11

Notice Board
to the person named as owning the PO box .
Then I received a letter detailing that she is taking me ( my company ) to court ( court papers ). I am paying for legal advice at £ 280 per hour and I ’ ve spent £ 1200 so far . I have agreed to mediation to help my case , but the woman hasn ’ t to date provided any contact information for this to be arranged . I am now waiting for a court date . It really has become my worst nightmare and is very stressful .
Freedom of the Land law is an old law from years ago , apparently , it ’ s not legally binding but some courts may find it legally binding . I will just have to wait and see when I go to court , and hope that the case is thrown out . It ’ s awful that some people are making a living this way out of other people .
‘ These signs are popping up everywhere now so be extra vigilant when asked to do an ‘ all day warrant .’ she didn ’ t understand it and had a disability : Dyslexia ) and the man on the phone advised her not to accept the warrant because it did not contain a wet signature , even though the Police told him it did not need one nowadays . Her legal help would not divulge his surname or qualifications to the Police , so they point blank refused to talk to him any further .
The Police eventually removed the woman and we were able to carry out our jobs . The woman had got someone in to remove the meters and installed her own . The energy company then had issues and eventually got a warrant issued . I was then instructed to attend to help with the warrant . The woman told me that she was going to be prosecuting me personally , to which she kept her word . My van was the only vehicle displaying signage that day so she was able to get my company information .
A year passed and I received a letter through the post that looked like a child wrote it . I spoke to a solicitor who suggested that I just ignored it , and then three weeks later a second letter arrived . So , again I spoke to the solicitor , again he said it was not legally binding and they are just hoping I give in and pay them , so to take the letters to the Police and file a report for extortion , which I did . The Police advised me to send them a cease and dismiss letter , again I did just that , addressing the letters to the lady ’ s address , the PO box address and also
This lady is wanting £ 3500 from me and if she wins in court , I have to pay all of her costs too . After speaking with my solicitor , I ’ ve found out that all I can claim if I win is a measly £ 70 , nothing else , I can ’ t even take her to court for monies lost on this . I think you all would agree that locksmiths should really be covered on the insurance of the company employing them .
Advice to locksmiths
My advice to other locksmiths is to make sure that you ’ ve got legal cover on your insurance without a doubt . If you see any Freedom of the Land posters or signs , walk away – it ’ s just not worth the hassle . If you really want to do the job then turn up in a plain van so they can ’ t identify you . These signs are popping up everywhere now so be extra vigilant when asked to do an ‘ all day warrant ’.
Lee Atkins Poole Key Locksmiths Ltd Dorset Tel : 01202 377 446
MAY 2024
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