The Locksmith Journal 90 October 2023 | Page 30


Burg-Wächter ’ s secure communities scheme aids mental health charity

» BURG-WÄCHTER UK ’ S ‘ SECURE Communities Scheme ’ has rewarded the work of a Southampton mental health charity . Mayfield Nurseries is a garden centre that uses donations and sales income to provide a place for people with mental health issues and learning disabilities to thrive through social and therapeutic horticulture .
Burg-Wächter received an application from Mayfield Nurseries for the freeof-charge support that the security specialist ’ s Secure Communities Scheme provides . Impressed with the ethos of the garden centre and the activities it offers to help boost the wellbeing of its local community , Burg-Wächter staff were moved to help the charity with its security needs . The charity had been having issues with post being taken or destroyed , and clearly needed a means of keeping its postal deliveries safe .
Burg-Wächter therefore donated a ‘ Gate & Railing Box ’, which takes the form of a convenient and secure storage place for post and small packets . The galvanised steel box offers generous post capacity , which is secured by an integrated lock , supplied with two keys . Designed to be fixed to gates or fences , the vertical post slot is accessible between the fence and gateposts , whilst the main body of the box is safely fixed behind the fence or gate . The Gate & Railing Box is from a wide range of post and parcel security options supplied by Burg-Wächter .
Mayfield Nurseries is a subsidiary charity of Solent Mind , the regional mental health services provider . Clare Grant is Assistant Director of Services for both organisations . She comments :
“ Burg-Wächter ’ s donation is really appreciated . Thank goodness we can now keep our post and parcels safe and secure ! Applying for the Burg-Wächter donation was simple . I went onto the company ’ s website and followed the link to its Secure Communities Scheme . Then all I had to do was to email some details to an address given there .”
Burg-Wächter ’ s Secure Communities Scheme gives regional community leaders and volunteers the chance to win a security kit worth up to £ 200 for their organization . Any regional initiative that is run by or supports the local community can apply .
Burg-Wächter launched the scheme in recognition of the fact that people around the country who are doing their bit for their community should not have to worry about the security of their premises , equipment or storage areas . The company ’ s Secure Communities Scheme is its way of saying thank you to community leaders for supporting people in their area .
The type of project or organisation that the scheme is open to is very wideranging . It could be a scouts group ; a local sports group like a cycling or football club ; a school after-hours club ; a hospital or healthcare community programme ; a provider of events for children or pensioners ; a facilitator of village activity ; or a town / village charity . As long as the initiative is run by or supports the local community , and it has a specific security need Burg-Wächter would like to hear about it . Successful applicants will each receive a tailored security kit to help secure property , premises , equipment or storage areas to the value of £ 150- £ 200 at retail price .
The Secure Communities Scheme is an ongoing initiative , which has already helped over 100 regional causes through the provision of over 2,000 pieces of security equipment .
For further details of the scheme and rules of entry head to www . burg . biz / uk / community /
30 OCTOBER 2023
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