The Locksmith Journal 87 July 2023 | Page 45


Garden security advice

» THEFT OF PROPERTY FROM gardens can be a problem , but having spent time and money on your home garden and equipment you need to consider its security . The value of equipment , structures and plants often amounts to thousands of pounds . Many simple and affordable crime prevention measures can be incorporated into gardens to add an extra layer of security to a home and deter opportunistic burglars – and these techniques can be used in any front or rear garden .
Security features which make a garden safe , secure and sustainable include :
Boundaries and access - the first line of defence against theft is to make sure property boundaries are secure , particularly to the rear , where people are often less watchful .
Fences - fences need to be of solid construction . It is recommended that fences to the rear of your property are 1.8m , and to the front no higher than 1.2m . Low-growing thorny shrubs at the base of fences , windows and drainpipes , will also give added protection .
Drives and pathways - gravel drives and paths make it impossible for an intruder to approach a property quietly .
Gates - keep gates shut and locked whenever possible , especially those allowing access to the rear of the property . Fit two quality locks to a gate , top and bottom , and ensure hinges are securely fixed to gate posts so that the gate cannot be lifted off its hinges .
Lighting - install security lighting operated by a daylight sensor . Position lighting so not to be a nuisance to neighbours or a distraction for road users .
Mark your property - mark your valuable items using one the various property marking schemes or use a permanent marker to endorse it with your post code and house number or name .
Plants , ornaments and containers - proprietary land anchors can be used to secure larger plants , garden furniture , containers and ornaments . Most are based on a permanent stake to which an item is chained or bolted .
Sheds and outbuildings - look after your sheds and outbuilding , making sure that both the lock and the hinges are securely fitted . Don ’ t make a burglar ’ s job easier by leaving gardening tools lying around – these are often used to force entry into houses . Think about using a strong lockable box or cage within the shed in which you can securely store garden tools .
Storage Units - Consider a specialist SBD approved steel storage unit . These can be used for bikes and garden equipment and come in a range of sizes .
CCTV - gardens with expensive items may be best protected by installation of closed circuit television ( CCTV ). Domestic systems can be linked to your television or video to view your garden .
Plants that fight back - clearly , another level of defence are the plants themselves . Thorny , spiky and prickly plants can deter even the most determined burglar and may be all the protection you need around your property . If you choose the right plants , they can look aesthetically pleasing too and add drama to your garden . Planted in groups or as focal points there ’ s a vast array of forms , textures , and sizes to choose from .
Browse the Secured by Design home garden security pages below for more advice , tips and ideas to implement the best police preferred standards https :// www . securedbydesign . com / guidance / crime-prevention-advice / garden-security
JULY 2023
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