-Take every opportunity that comes your way
-Don’t be shy (although it’s fine if you are)
- Join the LMSS!
Make sure you come and say hello at Fresher’s Fair, (you’ll be given all the details about
that soon) so you can purchase your membership, which gets you discount on every
LMSS event! In the mean time, join the ‘Liverpool Medics 2017 entry’ group on Facebook
so you can keep up to date with all the excitement...Fresher’s bus tour is on 25 th
September and is an event not to be missed!
I can’t wait to meet you all! Enjoy the rest of your summer (so well deserved) and I’ll see
you in September. If you have any questions in the mean time please don’t hesitate to get
in touch!
Love Charly xxx
First off, a HUGE congratulations for getting into Liverpool! It truly is the
best city on earth and all of those hours, hard at work, leading up till now
have been worth it! You are all soooooo lucky that you have five of the
best years of your entire lives ahead of you, studying medicine, exploring
all of the wonderful things this city has to offer. (I’m a little jealous of you
all, starting again where you are now would be amazing!)
My name is Mike Whitehead and I’m your Treasurer of the LMSS for the
next year. It’s my job to make sure that you get the best bang for your
buck as an LMSS member, with many discounts and savings for all of the
wonderful social, academic and charity events we have to offer. It’s also
my job, along with everyone else on the LMSS committee, to help you
settle in, as your second family, throughout your time in first year and
through the rest of your years studying here in Liverpool.
The LMSS is the oldest and largest medical students society in the entire
country, more than 130 years old, with over 1000 active members, from
students of all years through to doctors who’ve lived through it all before.
We are now a registered charity in our own right, dedicated to maximizing
your time here, to strike a good work-life balance, and provide welfare and
support for all medical students in Liverpool. The LMSS is here for your
every need; academic support, sports, creative, welfare, giving you the
opportunity to raise thousands for local charities as well as the countless
amazing social events we put on.