The Link Winter 2019/2020 The Link Dec-Jan 2020 v3 | Page 33

&$52/6(59,&(  ,1   67/$:5(1&(¶6&+85&+ &+85&++,//&$7(5+$0   78(6'$< 7+ '(&(0%(5   $7   Lilies Lilies can cause convulsions and can be fatal if consumed. Potpourri Can cause significant gastrointestinal problems lasting several days if consumed. Toys Some pets will chew and swallow anything that looks appealing which could lead to blockages, perforations or choking. Batteries Ingestion of batteries can cause heavy metal poisoning or chemical burns externally or internally. Silica gel Commonly found in packaging these can cause blockages if ingested. If you think your pet may have eaten something they shouldn’t, please contact your vet immediately, who will be able to advise you accordingly. Vet on the Hill wish you and your pets a fun, safe and very merry Christmas. 30   :,7+   7+(&52<'21&,7$'(/ 6$/9$7,21$50<%$1'   )2//2:('%< :,1($1'0,1&(3,(6    d, ,EzDE :& WZKWZdz D/EdEE )25 $// 7+26( -2%6 <28 '21·7 +$9( 7,0( )25 *HQHUDO ,QGRRU2XWGRRU 0DLQWHQDQFH 3DLQWLQJ DQG 'HFRUDWLQJ 839& 6RIILWV DQG )DVFLDV 7LOLQJ %DWKURRPV.LWFKHQV *XWWHULQJ 3OXPELQJ )HQFLQJ3DWKV3DWLRV 3ODVWHULQJ&RYLQJ 1R MRE WRR VPDOO )RU IULHQGO\ DGYLFH DQG D QR REOLJDWLRQ TXRWH SOHDVH SKRQH $QGUHZ      DMIRUWXQH#KRWPDLOFRXN )XOO\ ,QVXUHG The Link 33