The Library Link April/May 2016 | Page 13


UTEP and EPISD libraries

seek collaboration

By Sherrilyn Morris, Librarian at Morehead MS

Photo Credit: Public Domain

On Friday, April 15, I had the pleasure of meeting with three librarians from UTEP: Nancy Hill, Joy Urbina, and Virginia Rassaei.

We met to discuss ways to develop more collaboration between the EPISD libraries and UTEP. This includes the areas of National History Day, the El Paso History project (Hometown Frontiers), and the IB program at both middle and high school levels.

I showed them our databases and explained how they are used. They shared the vast resources available to EPISD students who visit UTEP.

We talked about the importance of teaching EPISD librarians about what UTEP has to offer. To begin this process, they would like to conduct a half-day staff development for all middle school librarians. We will continue to work with Armando to see if this can be done early next year.

In the meantime, middle and high school librarians who have NHD on their campuses should be aware of this great resource, provided at no charge by the UTEP librarians: National History Day

This guide is updated each year, and it contains relevant and practical help for any student working on a NHD project.