The Lens Magazine 2019 THE LENS 2019 CCOMPLETE | Page 8
is innate for me”
doing well and then just keep on you need to know people to connect How are you balancing work and sitting down. I look at what other just fine. I am still schooling but there schooling? people are doing then work on it and are many people outside there that Well (laughs), I am not balancing I improve on myself. I mix with people are not students they went to the am harmonising. I am trying to and I don't know many graphics school they had the certificate and all ensure that everything syncs. The designer yet but I make sure that I sorts that's also a challenge for me reason I picked Mass also know some people that will help out there. You know mixing my work Communication was because I live, like a lot of them are not even optimistic about the whole
me. with school is also a challenge. knew it falls in line with graphics. I publication, but then as a student full of optimism on this
Ahmed Abdullahi
What has been your achievements particular publication, we had to take up the challenge of
so far? ensuring that we produce the magazine.
I finished secondary school at the age Another thing that I can say that also lead to Atewe is the
of 15, 3 days to my birthday. My passion to make money, for me as a person I really like to solve
brother is actually into problem for people and looking at the kind of printing
entertainment, he does parties and available then, it doesn't really connect with the kind of
that's actually the first time I started printing I want to do, so I think that is another bull statement
with doing fliers officially. When I I want to use Atewe to make that as printers ,as creative in the
got admitted, I still help them with aspect of prints ,we can do so much better than the way we
fliers. Now by God's grace and I have were doing it then .So I feel let me just come to fill this
have worked for people outside the A of five and the AMCOS award winner of the Student Entrepreneur of the I so much cherish local names. Atewe simply is the Yoruba
country in Ukraine. I work with Year (Male). In this interview with Rodiat Jokodolu, he shared the vision interpretation of a printer. It took several stages of screening
people in Lagos presently and I am and journey of Atewe. and at some point I was looking at “Eniyan to n tewe”
actually going to be working for What led to Atewe? another time I think “tewe tewe” until I just felt ATEWE is
someone in Benin soon. The whole Atewe idea was an attempt to make a statement. It cool.
What are the challenges you have started while I was a student in Kwara state polytechnic and What is your source of Inspiration?
done lots of design for the
department and for various churches
in Ilorin here and lots even outside. I
bdullah Ahmed is the founder of Atewe Printing Company, particular space, contribute my own quota as to improving
co-founder of future brand idol and Inkskribe. He is a radical the printing industry in Kwara State.
volunteer and a serial investor. He is the first son of the family How did you come about the name, ATEWE?
faced? I would definitely need it which is an job that I have and focus on school. we had to take up the challenge of producing a magazine, and I am just the kind of person that loves to do things with my
Challenge makes you wants to do edge over others in this field. So, I So, that is the way I harmonise it. I happen to be the only person that has an idea as to what hand, I don't like being idle, I like being engaged so at that
more. I remember the time my would say that I am trying my best If you were asked to choose printing is all about then and maybe as a result of being an point, I discovered that after school I was not doing anything.
brother said, “BUKKY, you are doing when it comes to studying especially between work and school which apprentice, and this particular production was faced with So I took myself learn printing, although my father did not
rubbish” and then I would be crying when I know I have test. I minimise would you choose? series of problems coming from finance, commitment on the agree, it took several attempts before he finally budged to
and I won't sleep throughout the the way I collect jobs. I won't collect I can never choose school because part of the editorial team and all. So it has to be I and a friend, allow me to learn. At that point, I think my inspiration lies in
night because I just want to do this work that I know would affect my there is a difference between been Notiki Bello. We had to take up the challenge of producing my being uncomfortable being idle. Also, I feel that I am a kind
thing and you are telling me it is studies. Even my neighbour knows educated and going to school. You this magazine and it's something that immensely contributed of person that finds it very difficult for me to ask for help.
rubbish. And also looking at the me that I lock myself at home because might be educated and you don't to what lead to Atewe. So basically then, we had to prove a Sometimes I may need something and to even ask my parents
media world I would say there are that is time to work and when it is have to go to a university. So, I don't point that we can actually produce a magazine because then, becomes a difficult task. Then, I felt that I need another source
many opportunities there but then time for school, I will also pack up the think going to the university is a some of our lecturers are not seeing the publication coming to of income. So basically, money is my inspiration.