The Lens Magazine 2019 THE LENS 2019 CCOMPLETE | Page 19
Making Life Choices
Speak their language
Tailor your content to how they
typing or on the phone making my
research. Because I wanted to make more
with Content Creation money, I took on various jobs at a time.
Mariam Hamzat At a point I decided to take a step further
speak, using a tone/attitude that
appeals to them. Keep your 3. Stay in your lane 4. Learn from competition by going in search of clients myself. So, I
message clear and consistent, Since you've taken the time to This is a very important move, joined Facebook groups and found out
devoid of unnecessary jargons. identify what your audience that is sometimes overlooked. about content mills (Fiverr, Upwork and
Break down any technical terms likes, and have committed to Monitoring what competition is Freelancer). In the long run, I even
to simpler bite-sized language, serving them that, stay up to, helps to improve your managed to get the attention of an
making it easier for them to consistent. Avoid dabbling into own content, infusing fresh Indian- one which was my turning point.
relate with your content. For things outside your niche ideas and perspectives based on No, he did not give me a job nor did he pay
example, if your target is kids product or service. sticking to learnings taken; considering me more. He asked for my portfolio or
under 5 years old, you don't your niche can help you become that you are all in the same links to my published works, none of
want to sound serious or overly an expert in your field, setting market. By studying which I had. It was then that I woke up to
formal. Get? you up as the "go-to" person for competition, you learn: what the fact that I had spent over year writing
that product or service works and doesn't e.g. what sort with no tangible/ presentable article to
of content generate the most my name. I realized that I had spent
engagement, the quality of their nights making research in people's name
content, what their content and writing for people with no written
2. Your content has to be
We live in a 'jet' age, where
everything moves and changes
so fast. In order to create
relevant content and stay on top
of your game, you need to be up
to date with what's happening,
as well as the changes within
your field. In short, track what's
“ If your content
does not give your
customer a reason
to at least try
your product,
you are not
doing it right. ”
If you do all of these, it won't H Like one on a race for the Olympics, I me, mostly referred by friends and I
matter what happens in your searched for prices on Google, but many either did research for them on topics,
field, your content will remain of the information I found were in write articles and poems for their blogs
relevant and effective. dollars. With my not-so-good or create catchy contents for their
mathematics, I did the conversion and businesses. I told them to pay me any
was thrown into a dilemma. amount and sometimes I charged based
'When I'm through just pay me any on words, but no price was as high as
amount you deem fit' receiving $5 for 500 words.
Dollar conversion to Naira at that time Of course, it wasn't all smooth.
wasn't as high as today, but still I Sometimes, there were rejections and
couldn't fathom charging so high for a complaints, but I never relented. I knew I
work I love doing and have done for free love crafting, playing with words and
all my life. creating contents but what I wanted out
From that day, I started creating of it for myself, I did not know. What I
contents and got paid. I had caught the wanted to do with my skill remained a
attention of a friend from many of my question until recently.
poetry and motivational articles and he With money not worth all the work I put
wanted me to write something for him, in, I started to get busy. I got so busy that
for a fee. It was a step forward, especially I did not have time for other things in my
for an undergraduate who had personal life. I was either with my system
lacks, what resources they use
to boost their content and
ow much do you charge per gained admission and had to face life
word?, the Nigerian client living on allowances.
asked. Soon, I got more people who approached
recommendation that I had nothing of my
own online or to present.
That day, I made my choice. No, I didn't
stop writing for money. But, I started
writing for something else- value and me.
I met with bloggers who allowed me to
contribute to their blogs until I can start
mine, and yes I got paid by some while my
name remained on the blog posts. I sent
guest post any and everywhere to express
myself and share my opinion on matters. I
asked my customers for written
recommendations or asked if they would
be willing to write me one soon. I decided
I was going to make a difference with my
writing, as a journalist and a content
marketer. So, I didn't push myself into
every genre anymore for the money. But, I
took the step to creating a legacy of my
own with writing.
Who are you writing for? What are you
writing for? What do you want to do
with this creative skill of yours?