The Lens Magazine 2019 THE LENS 2019 CCOMPLETE | Page 10
LGBTQ takes the lead here, as they
Virtual Reality
control over 1Trillion USD of the
VR comes with it more possibilities
world economy.
and users experience such that
enhance brand development and FOMO
acceptability. More brands are Fear of Missing out. Every brand has
exploring these opportunities. a unique value proposition and
Product brands like shoes and wears unique selling point for service and
are coming up with ways to make product respectively— the idea here
customers samples products, such a is for brands to project their
way that suit their taste. With uniqueness has been important as
consumer experience becoming live itself. This holds customer
increasingly relevant and the basis spellbound.
for innovation, VR offer such
opportunities with every brand Inclusion
need. This is specific to advertisers. As we
have more ideologies and minorities
Influencers in the society gaining economic
Influencing appears to be an power— it comes with it influence in
overused term in the marketing major sector and Marketing
Communications parlance, Communications is not excluded. At
however, the changing face of the recent Cannes and UK creativity
influencer marketing is one no we week, one of the central topics was
are not paying attention to. Brands inclusion for all. Hence, marketing
now sync products and characters to Communications are urged to use
suit influencers' characters or special needs individuals in their Ads
perception about social vices to and more women as experts. The
boost brand heat (such is the
strategy of Nike).
Internet of Things as a concept is one
that describes the ubiquitous nature
of new media. With marketing
communications experts been among
the core stakeholders in the media,
experts are utilizing existing gadgets
and are as well creating gadget for
connectivity online to aid brand
interaction and better user
Trends does not necessarily mean
traditional means explored by
marketing Communications experts
are obsolete, rather they predict the
changing face of the industry to aid
better understanding for industrial
experts, and how they can evolve to
benefit clients.
A poor story cannot sell a good brand
and a good story will sell a poor brand
once and never again. Storytelling is
an ever-evolving concept in
Marketing Communications, while it
is gaining