He is one of my role models in self-development and motivation . Dr . Stephen R . Covey and Napolean Hills are among my role models during my teenage and early professional career time . He has done great contribution to human kinds . Let salute him .
Viwat Limsakdakul Ex-Managing Director Tipco Foods ( Thailand ) Co ., Ltd .
Today , I ’ ve got mail from Pacrim regarding the memorial to Dr . Stephen R . Covey and also the vdo clips . I will share this with my daughter who now is inspired by Dr . Covey as well from “ The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ” course at SET ( both of us always remind each other to think of COI than COC and I inspire her on 4 cores and 13 behaviours , next steps we ’ ll practice until they become our core principles at home
Thank you Dr . Covey for the precious knowledge and skills .
Thank you PacRim for the far-sight of views and courage of convictions to introduce Dr . Covey in Thailand .
Wattana Chaichanaskul Learning and Development TMB Bank Plc . Head Office